What is the Difference in Ordinary and Strategic Digital Marketing?

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What is the Difference in Ordinary and Strategic Digital Marketing?

Strategic Digital Marketing is the new-age tool to attract and maximize eyeballs and footfalls as well as to create conversions and engagements. Any strategy proves to be effective only when it can be optimally utilized to achieve the objectives set out while drafting the same. In this era, one of the most complex decisions taken by the top management of a company is regarding marketing strategy as it directly impacts the brand and its profitability.

How Ordinary Digital Marketing and Strategic Digital Marketing are different?

The difference between Ordinary Digital marketing and Strategic Digital Marketing is quite substantial and compelling; however, most of the players are barely able to comprehend it due to their limited understanding of the key role strategy plays in digital marketing. The time has come for Marketers to realize that the need of the hour is to get fully acquainted with strategic digital marketing and all its aspects. Marketers will have to bridge this understanding gap. The sooner the better!  

Let’s shed some light on these differences through a simple example.

Everyone prefers to see their money grow, even though the avenues we choose to invest in or save through might differ. Ordinary Digital Marketing can be compared to parking your money in a Fixed Deposit or at best NSC (National Saving Certificate) whereas Strategic Digital Marketing is equivalent to indulging in portfolio management.


Spot the Difference:

Ordinary Digital Marketing Campaign has succumbed to the redundant forces of digital aid such as website development and they are often seen focusing on getting a few more likes on various Social Media channels. It is just about Facebook Marketing that is restricted to  posting content (however irrelevant/unappealing it may be) and chasing likes (however fake they may be). There is no thought process that goes beyond forming the logic behind getting them. The plan is kept simple to few steps:

  • Create a website
  • Create Social Media accounts
  • Occasional Posts on Social Media
  • Get likes and followers

On the other hand, Strategic Digital Marketing is born when an agency decides to incorporate a Strategy into their working. Instead of just following a step by step procedure, a systematic plan of action is devised to fully utilize the available resources with an aim to accomplish the brand’s marketing goals and objectives. The idea is to take a holistic approach towards digital marketing by integrating strategic digital marketing with the company’s ATL (Above the Line) ideology. This is done to hit the target audience in a strategic manner rather than in a haphazard way.

Below are few pillars of Strategic Digital Marketing that give it the strength it possesses:

  • TG identification & geographic targeting
  • Channel identification
  • Annual content calendar planning
  • Conceptual campaign planning
  • Objective orientation
  • Audience enhancement strategies
  • Audience engagement strategies
  • Periodic review and analysis


Strategic Digital Marketing is much more effective and truly delivers value using digital platforms for smart and intelligent marketing. As against an ordinary, Strategic Digital Marketing understands the “whys” behind the action. So, it is not just about posting daily on Social Media, it is about curating and creating content specific to the target audience to ensure maximum reach and effectiveness.

Every action is taken in line with a sound brand strategy, which is devised keeping in mind the long-term objectives in mind. The idea is to identify, engage, persuade, influence and keep existing and potential customers involved in the journey to meet out set campaign objectives under short term and long term organizational objectives to achieve desired results.

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