Top 100 FPOs who are Doing Well in Rural India

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Top 100 FPOs who are Doing Well in Rural India


Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) with member-based memberships have a track record of successfully addressing a variety of difficulties that farmers, particularly small producers, face today. FPO members are able to overcome the constraints imposed by the small size of their individual farms by leveraging collective strength and bargaining power to gain access to financial and non-financial inputs, services, and appropriate technologies, reduce transaction costs, tap high-value markets, and enter into more equitable partnerships with private entities. 

FPOs offer a form of aggregation irrespective of land titles with individual producers, and use the strength of collective planning for production, procurement, and marketing to add value to members’ produce. With holdings fragmentation due to generational transfer unlikely to abate. International and national experience with FPO performance presents a compelling argument for policy support to member-based farmer organizations in order to dramatically boost their market power, decrease risks, and assist them in moving up the agri value chain.

List of FPOs

1. Chetna Organic Agriculture 

In response to India’s agrarian crisis, the Chetna Organic & Fair Trade Cotton Intervention Program began in 2004 as a composite pilot on organic/non-pesticide management (NPM) and fair-trade supply chain development. The goal was to increase smallholder farmers’ livelihood options by making their farm systems more sustainable and profitable and providing access to ethical and fair-trade cotton markets. 

Not for charity, but to empower farmers by involving them in developing an ethical cotton supply chain supported by international collaboration through its triple-bottom-line objectives, which believe in ecological and social sustainability and are self-sustaining enterprises by making nominal, non-exploitative profits.

Chetna Organic was founded to alleviate the poverty-related distress of small and marginal cotton farmers in the region. It now runs a multi-faceted program that aims to create a 360-degree support intervention around the farmer community to empower them to make better decisions. Chetna Organic has a network of over 25,000 farmers in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Orissa. 

The emphasis has been on farmer empowerment and community entrepreneurship, so these farmers have been federated into 13 district level co-operatives that are in charge of all local-level initiatives of their member farmers, such as capacity building through Chetna Organic support, local government linkages, and the establishment of community-owned infrastructure, among other things.

2. Indian Organic Farmers Producer Company Ltd

The Indian Organic Farmer Producer Company Ltd. is a farming cooperative in Aluva, Kerala, that produces organic products. Only organically certified producers are eligible for participation in the company, which has a patronage fee of Rs.40,000 per share. As a result, a shareholder with one share can sell his or her organic items valued up to Rs.40,000 through the company. Individuals can buy several shares, but regardless of how many shares they own, they will only have one vote.

Farmers can get help from the company with resource mapping and assessment (mostly soil and water), sustainable resource use, and scientific production practices. After branding, the company sells organic items. The company’s motto is ‘Healthy People, Wealthy Farmers, Healthy and Wealthy Nation.’ One of the company’s long-term goals is to raise environmental financing from farmer-friendly organizations worldwide that want to support fair trade.

Image Credit: Indiamart

3. Vanilla India Producer Company Ltd (VANILCO) 

The Kerala-based Indian Producers Movement (Infarm), a nonprofit association with over one lakh farmer members, has promoted Vanilla India Producer Company Ltd (VANILCO) to serve the long-term interests of vanilla farmers. VANILCO collaborates with vanilla farmers to create and market the highest-quality vanilla beans and extracts. The company purchases, processes, and competently advertises its members’ products to assure handsome profits and bonuses for its shareholders and interfere in the market through pool procurement.

4. The Junagarh Dairy 

A producer firm has been founded in Dari, Amreli District, with ten watershed development groups from 10 villages engaged in agricultural input supply and technology provided under the leadership of the Development Support Centre, Ahmedabad.

The company’s goals are to carry on the business of producing, harvesting, procuring, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, selling, and exporting primary produce such as groundnuts, oilseeds, grains, and other agro products for the benefit of the members, to provide mutual assistance and technical consultancy services, and to provide insurance coverage. In addition, providing profitable lending facilities to farmers and providing welfare measures or amenities for members’ benefit are some other aims of the organisation. The Junagarh Dairy, which had been losing money, was reformed as a producer firm and currently serves over 130 villages and 5000 farmers. Farmers are prospering and investing in more buffaloes since the Dairy can offer a greater price for milk than other outlets.


According to reports in the news in May 2006, the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, also known as AMUL, the country’s largest and most successful producer-owned cooperative organization, intended to transition to a producer business. However, the fact that it hasn’t converted yet suggests that it is reconsidering the concept. In May of 2006, AMUL, a cooperative society, launched a major drive to modify the organizational model by changing the cooperative society into a producer company. The suggested reform aimed to free people from the constraints of cooperatives.

Source Credit: Food Navigator Asia

6. Samarth Kissan 

It is the well-capitalized of the DPIP PCs. The PC is involved in the production of wheat and soybean seeds and the provision of inputs. With the aid of Solidaridad’s Soy Producer Support Initiative, PC began an improved soybean program in 2008. (SOYPSI). Solidaridad works inside the SOYPSI to improve the living conditions of farmers and laborers. It offers a premium as well as technical assistance, resulting in more revenue and fewer environmental issues. 

Farmers and farmer groups receive help and training on environmental and social issues and assistance in establishing farmer institutions. The project aims for more than 6000 soy family farmers to boost productivity by at least 12% while utilizing less input in three years. Over 3000 farmers were trained in the first year. 

With less input, the predicted yield gain might be as high as 20%–30%, In Samarth, better soybean is obtained directly through Solidaridad, but in the rest of MP, it is obtained through ASA. PC produced 6000 qtls of soybean seed in 2010-11. They also received a seed subsidy of Rs. 500 per qtl on soybeans.

7. Sagar Samridhi Crop 

The corporation’s major business is soybean and wheat seed production, as well as input supply. Every season, they contract with 20 member farmers for seed production and acquire seed at a better price than the market price. In addition, it has its seed processing equipment, which they purchased with their own money in 2007 for Rs.2.7 lakh, and it also rents a warehouse for Rs. 9900 per month and an office for Rs. 3550 per month.

It has a legal contract for the supply of inputs with the state Markfed and Devidayal seeds, but they only sell the inputs through the DPIP’s Project Facilitating Teams (PFTs) and other Cooperative Societies. For example, in Sagar, the DPIP has 7 PFTs who tell the cooperatives the demand for inputs in their villages. Then, the cooperatives provide the requested quantity of inputs to the PFTs, who distribute it to the farmers to collect the money from them.

8. Khajurao Crop

It is the only cooperative with CIGs (140) owning 23 percent of the shares, and it encompasses 99 communities. The corporation’s core business is seed production and agricultural input supply. It also comprises 0.7 hectares of land that the state government gave in 2007 for a vegetable nursery. Every season, it exclusively obtains seed from 100 farmers. 

In addition, it provides members with training and demonstrations on how to use new technology, equipment, and a new set of methods for growing better crops. SOYPSI receives training and equipment such as seed mixing drums, bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drills, and pesticide safety kits.

9. Nowgoan crop 

The organization’s major goals are seed production and input supply. In 2007, it purchased 0.4 hectares of land from HRITIKA through the Agha Khan Foundation (AKF) for Rs. 1 lakh, on which it built a nursery to raise vegetable seedlings. Every season, it chooses 30 members to generate seeds and obtains the seeds from them.

10. Ramraja Crop

The company’s major business is the production of wheat, soybean, gram, and urd seed and the provision of inputs. It chooses 32 farmers for wheat and gram seed production in the Rabi season and 22 farmers for soybean seed production in the kharif season. Farmers are chosen for seed production based on their credibility, closeness, and at least 1 hectare of land. Subsidies are granted to farmers for inputs. 

The corporation, for example, provided spray pumps and seed drills as part of a subsidy program. In addition, inspectors visit the fields every 15 days to inspect them. They provide farmers with instructions on how to use new and sophisticated crop management techniques. Seed inspectors from the seed certification organization come twice during the crop cycle, once at the flowering stage and 15 days afterward.

Farmers thresh the seed crop after harvesting it and place it in the bag provided by the cooperative. It goes to their fields, weighs, and collects the harvest. The cooperative bears the costs of loading, unloading, packaging, and shipment. The cost of labor for the preceding operation is around Rs. 15 per quart. It pays Rs.100 more for breeder seed production than the market price, and for certified seed production, it pays Rs.50 more.

11. Nimad Farmers 

While working as a Project Facilitating Team (PFT) for MP DPIP in MP, ASA founded Nimad Farmers in the Ojhar block of Barwani district. On the 26th of February, 2009, ASA informed the farmers about the benefits of working together and registered the PC with 367 members and 10 promoters.  Better Cotton production through BCI has been the major business of the public partnership. 

It has agreements with four ginners: Rajshree Cott Fiber, Harman Cottex, Vikas Cott Fiber, and KK Fiber, all of whom receive demand from the textile industry. Ginners send an expert to monitor the crop’s quality and set the price based on the quality. The ginners demanded the PC, who then acted as a middleman to get the ginners the requisite quantity of superior cotton. Ginners covered the shipping costs and paid the market price, something the farmers did not receive while selling to local vendors earlier. It also saves farmers time and money on transportation.

Farmers in the area are pleased with Nimad Farmers’ work since they receive inputs at a lesser cost than the market rate and at the proper time. Farmers also benefit from a higher cotton price on the local market.

Source Credit : Hindustan Times

12. Participatory Irrigation Management, Khargone

ASA initiated the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) Project in Khargone in 2003 to build irrigation canals. The project was funded in part by the Canadian government, in part by the MP government, and by the participating farmers. The project lasted till 2007. Beginning in December 2008, ASA began encouraging individual farmers to form PCs and collect funds from them. They did not form any Farmer Business Groups or SHGs (FBGs). Instead, they collaborated with the farmers on a one-on-one basis. Unlike other PCs in MP, this one did not receive the DPIP award. 

The PC’s primary activity is the manufacturing of Better Cotton using BCI and the provision of inputs. PC received wheat seed worth Rs. 40000 as a grant from ASA in 2010-11. Aside from that, nothing was going on in 201-11. However, from 2011-12 to the present, PC has made a profit of Rs. 20 lakh from the sale of Better Cotton, with non-members accounting for 30% of the total. PC has a deal with the same ginners that Nimad PC has a contract with (Rajshree Cott fiber, Harman Cottex, Vikas Cott Fiber, and KK Fiber). The ginners pay PC Rs. 15 per quintal commission. Farmers who are members of the PC are not obligated to sell through the PC. PC lacked the necessary permits to sell seed, fertilizer, and insecticide. They have an APMC license exclusively.

13. Sagar Shri Mahila Dugd Utpadak

SRIJAN has been working for the MP-DPIP project in the Jaisinagar block of Sagar district (Madhya Pradesh) since 2001. Farmers’ CIGs named “Linked self-help groups” were found. DPIP released roughly 700 buffaloes in this area during the initial phase. The poor households in this area didn’t even have land to cultivate crops. As a result, SRIJAN considered creating dairy farmer CIGs. 

Another motivation for choosing dairy was the strong prevalence of caste in this area. All other activities, such as poultry, are limited to people of specific castes; dairy is the sole endeavor open to individuals of all castes. SRIJAN has always prioritized the growth of women; hence the PC was founded exclusively for women. SRIJAN proposed forming a PC with the cooperation of MP-DPIP to help these dairy producers market their milk.


Agriculture supports 80% of the population in the Sironj block of Madhya Pradesh’s Vidisha district. However, 70% of the land is not irrigated, and crop yields are significantly lower than the state and national averages. The Madhya Pradesh Poverty Initiative Programme Phase 1 was implemented by PRADAN, an NGO (MPDPIP). Aside from irrigation infrastructure, this project featured productivity improvements of soybean wheat and gram crops for socioeconomically challenged communities. 

PRADAN helped farmers create irrigation assets by forming Common Interest Groups (CIGs), giving financial support for motors, pumps, pipes, and wells, and working on a seed program in five villages. Recognizing the importance of technical skills and high-quality inputs in agriculture for improving livelihoods, PRADAN set out to establish an appropriate producer institution. The proposal of establishing a PC was proposed by the PRADAN team leader and other functionaries, and it was endorsed by the Government of Madhya Pradesh and the MPDPIP project.

Source Credit: PRADAN

15. Sirojan Crop

It is the first PC in MP to be registered. Before the foundation of PC, PRADAN established Common Interest Groups (CIG) of soyabean farmers in 2001, each with 5-8 members. They formed the Soybean Oil Growers Association (SOGA) to grow higher-quality soybeans in 40 villages as common interest groups to receive subsidy money for better agricultural practices and soybean cultivation promotion. They bought seed from SOPA and provided 5 kg of seed to each of 100 farmers and motivated those who cultivated traditional seeds. They decided to form a single entity after witnessing the benefits of working together and thus registered.

It has 3233 users, 1910 of them are shareholders and belong to 84 communities divided into two blocks (Sironj and Lateri in Vidisha district). A member can purchase a minimum of 10 shares and a maximum of 100 shares. The cost of each share is Rs.10. Initially, when a PC was formed, money was collected from all members, but after receiving a grant from the DPIP, it became essential for every PC to have 70% of its shareholders come from the Below Poverty Line (BPL) group. So yet, the PC has only distributed the share to 1910 members in order to maintain the 70:30 BPL/APL ratio.

16. Mahila Murgi Utpadak Cooperative (MMUC)

Since 2007, MMUC has been a member of the MPWPCL. PRADAN created it with the support of DPIP, who first organized a CIG and then a cooperative in 2006 in Jatara by combining 12 CIGs with 51 members. Later, in 2007, MMUC joined the PC, which now has additional 5 women poultry cooperatives. By 2012, the Jatara Cooperative had 315 members, each of whom had at least one Rs. 100 share. MMUC has 321 poultry buildings in 10 villages, with 221 buildings built by DPIP, 3 buildings built by members themselves, 14 sheds built with RABO Bank support, and 94 sheds built with the SGSY grant. 

At the time, a shed cost Rs. 30000. The shed has a production capacity of 550 birds. With the use of the PC, MMUC buys chicks in Jabalpur. It covers all costs. They give chicks to their members and then start taking them back after 25-45 days, depending on the weight of the birds and market needs. 

After purchasing feed from PC, MMUC distributes it to members. They keep track of the chicks and feed given to members, and after the birds are sold, payment is made based on the weight of the birds after the cost of feed and chicks are deducted.

Traders bring the bird demand to the MMUC, deposit money, and receive the challan they transport to the poultry plant. Every village has a supervisor who shows the challan to the supervisor, who then fills the vehicle according to the paid challan from the unit with ready-to-sell birds.

17. Dhari Krishak Vikas

The DSC is a resource organization founded in 1994 to give NGO, government, and other stakeholders with knowledge-based help in natural resource management (NRM). The DSC has been a key organization of Sajjata Sangh, a network of NGOs implementing participatory NRM programs in Gujarat, with the goal of providing a platform for NGOs to learn from one another, strengthen capacity-building efforts, improve access to external sources of knowledge, and work to create a conducive environment for the promotion of participatory NRM policies. 

The Sangh’s principal purpose is to boost natural resource production, which will lead to increased earnings, particularly for small and marginal farmers, through the use of cost-cutting techniques. 

Dhari PC (Amreli district, Gujarat) was first registered in Gujarat on June 23, 2005, by farmers from the DSC-founded Water Users Association (WUA). DSC officials educated the WUAs on the notion of the PC, which the WUAs agreed to because they trusted in DSC. 

The registration process took over a year, owing to the lengthy and arduous procedure and a lack of understanding at the Registrar of Companies. The registration process took over a year, owing to the protracted and complex procedure and a lack of knowledge at the Registrar of Companies.

18. North Gujarat Agro

From 2002 to 2008, NGAPC was part of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) North Gujarat program, which was afterward changed into a distinct company named Society for Integrated Water and Land Management (Sofiwalm), which SRTT has financed since 2008. A supervisor working on the IWMI project to assist farmers with marketing solutions recommended the PC. Originally, it was known as Banaskantha Agro Producers Production Company, and it was primarily owned by ten pomegranate producers, with a share capital of only Rs. 10,000. It began in 2005 and ended in 2006.

IWMI’s supervisor was the company’s expert director. 50 growers paid Rs. 2 per plant in service fees to this PC, totalling Rs. 80000, however, the PC never did any business with the farmers. Due to farmer pressure, the second initiative to organize farmers under the banner of North Gujarat PC was launched in 2007. Three other non-governmental organizations (besides SOFIWLM), Cohesion, MG Patel Trust, and Lok Vikas Sanstha, were involved in forming this PC, which began with 300 members. 

The company’s expert director served as IWMI’s supervisor. This PC received Rs. 80000 in service fees from 50 growers, which amounted to Rs. 2 per plant. However, the PC never transacted any business with the farmers.

19. Maha Gujarat Agri Cotton (MGAC)

Bhartiya Kissan Sangha founded the MGAC (BKS). Mr. Prafulbhai Sangaliya, the organization’s founder and owner of 50 bighas of land, has been a farmer leader for 27 years and was the BKS’ Gujarat state unit president. The PC’s founder is a member of the Gayatri Parivar Sect. He’s also a farmer who practices organic farming. The BKS union in Gujarat has 22 lakh members, and BKS farmer leaders also promote two additional PCs in Saurashtra (Jagtat and Kissan). 

The PC is registered in Bhavnagar C/o the Onion Growers Cooperative Federation. However, it has no ties to the federation and is based in Amreli. The company’s CEO is based in Bhavnagar, although most of the rest of the personnel is based in Amreli. It was established in December of 2008 and came to life in June of 2009. Initially, there were ten BoDs, but that number has recently been expanded to thirteen.

It’s called Mahagujrat Agri Cotton since it was created specifically to assist cotton farmers. Former Gujarat Finance Minister Sanat Mehta and retired agriculture university professor Dr. Suthariya are among the other promoters. It has received no financial or in-kind support from any organization. It has a paid-up capital of Rs. 88 lakh and authorized capital of Rs. one crore. 

It’s called Mahagujrat Agri Cotton since it was created specifically to assist cotton farmers. Former Gujarat Finance Minister Sanat Mehta and retired agriculture university professor Dr. Suthariya are among the other promoters. It has received no financial or in-kind support from any organization. It has a paid-up capital of Rs. 88 lakh and authorized capital of Rs.1 crore.

Originally, there were 800 stockholders, each with a share worth Rs. 1000, but that number has already risen to 6000. Junagarh farmers have 3200 shares, whereas Amreli farmers have 1800 shares, for a total of 5000 shares. Only roughly 15-20 farmers have 25 or more shares, while the entire BoD has 25 shares. Ninety percent of the stockholders each own one share. Shares are distributed based on land ownership and crop area. The General Manager has an MBA and comes from a farming family that owns ten acres in the same area. Another manager, a B.Com, comes from a family that owns 14 acres of land. 

The GM family also owns a ginning mill. Aside from the chief executive in Bhavnagar, the PC has ten employees, eight of whom work in the Amreli office, and four are professionals. It also has one branch manager in each of its other three locations: Junagarh, Jamnagar, and Kachchi. From Amreli, another district, Rajkot, is served. The average landholding size of these two district farmers is 0.8 hectares.

In Amreli, 1.7 bigha equals one acre under the Gayakwadi system. However, 2.5 bigha equals one acre in Junagarh’s Nawabi system. Surprisingly, half of the Amreli district is under one system and the other in another system. Apart from the 13 directors, the promoter is a graduate, and the expert director is Sanat Mehta, a former Gujarat Minister and a farmer union leader and institution builder. Non-members are not allowed to do business with the PC, and member land holdings range from 0.4 to 16 hectares, with 75% of members have fewer than 10 hectares. The stem and half are under another. There are roughly 50 farmers with more than 40 hectares of land holdings in the Kutch district alone.

20. Farmer Crop Care

The PC was established in 2009 with an Rs. 11 lakh authorised capital. The number of shareholders has risen from 11 to 30. It started with Rs. 3 lakh in paid-up capital from 11 members and has since grown to Rs. 10.424 lakh with 30 members. Since 1990, the chairman of the PC has been involved in the marketing of agricultural inputs and cement. He is also the chairman of the Bundle onion grower cooperative federation and the Saurashtra Farmers Welfare Association, which has 100 people. 

With 30 members, the BOGCF has been around since 1952. The principal promoter is a commerce graduate with a landholding of 6 hectares. The PC has six directors, and members have an average land size of 4 hectares, ranging from 0.8 to 6 hectares (table 19), with non-members accounting for 90% of the business.

It doesn’t do anything else but sells inputs to OGCF members at a lower-than-market rate on credit. Only three salaried non-professional employees from the BoD families work there. The leading shop accounts for 50% of sales, with the remaining 50% coming from ten village depots that operate on a commission basis. 

It only has a seed trading license. All of the members are aware of the company’s operations, and some of them are also members of PACS and the district cooperative union in addition to the OGCF. Four of the five first directors, including a woman, are from the same subcaste. The first ten promoters purchased 51000 shares, ranging in price from Rs. 500 to Rs. 13500.

21. Udaipur Agro Producer Company Private Limited (UAPCL)

UAPCL was founded in the Jhadol area of Rajasthan’s Udaipur district. Tribal people make about 46% of the district’s population. In the 1990s, Jhadol was known as a ginger production center, but owing to a rot disease outbreak that wiped off the entire crop, farmers in the area ceased farming ginger. 

However, Udaipur Agro, with the support of several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and MPUAT, has encouraged farmers to reintroduce the ginger crop using improved technology and techniques. Farmers were first organized into groups and encouraged to cultivate ginger, which has a cost-benefit (CB) ratio of 1:3 when grown traditionally, but the CB ratio climbed to 1:6 and even 1:10 with the new and improved package of practices developed ADS with the support of MPUAST. 

The sanghs (clusters) were formed by the groups working together. As a result, yields have increased by 53%, while disease incidence has decreased from 60% to 30% of the crop. Udaipur Agro was formed in 2009 by the merger of four farmer groups/clusters known as sanghs in the Jhadol Block (table 22), which were created by the ADS under the initiative “Sakh Se Vikas” with backing from the Sir Rattan Tata Trust (SRTT).

The computer was registered on August 22, 2010, and it began working in September of the same year. It has Rs. 3 lakh share capital and a Rs. 10 lakh authorized capital. At the time of registration, there were 1200 members and 99 FBGs. Each member can buy a maximum of 5 shares, and each group can buy a maximum of one share, but everybody must buy 100 shares. Members and groups vote separately during the voting process. Some group members did not purchase shares, but they are also considered PC members because they are members of member groups. They were authorized to buy input from the PC but were not allowed to partake in the profits. 

So, in groups, they joined the PC, but not individually. The member farmers’ average landholding is 0.8 hectares. They also keep goats and buffalo as pets. All crops were sold in the Udaipur mandi, with the exception of corn, which was sold to a local trader in Jhadol. Farmers contribute Rs. 50 per month to the FBG microsavings program. In the Kharif season, farmers plant arbi, haldi, maize, chickpea, ginger, musli, and til; in the rabi season, they grow wheat, mustard, and chickpea.

The PC’s major activity is supplying inputs and encouraging farmers to continue growing ginger crops (table 28), as Jhadol block ginger has a high market demand due to its pleasant aroma and high fiber content. It sells a variety of farm inputs and seeds, claiming to have sold them for 9-30% less than the market price. 

The PC’s biggest challenge is a lack of working cash and convincing farmers to cultivate ginger. The lack of a centralized storage facility is also a major issue since they are forced to sell the products at the current price and cannot wait for a higher price. In addition, because the PC did not have its storage facility, they had to hire one. PC village workers are also compensated from the SRTT-funded initiative, as well as RKVY or ADS. Banks are hesitant to lend to PCs and require a three-year balance sheet.

22. Jhambukhand Kissan Agro Producer Company Limited

NAIP was used to build Jhambukhand Kissan Agro Producer Company Limited (JKAPCL), with Access serving as the main agency. JKAPCL is responsible for 11 villages. In 2009, two clusters with 52 FBGs merged to form Jhambukhand Kisan Sangh, which was eventually renamed JKAPCL in June 2010. There are nine directors and two expert directors on the board of the corporation. There was a disagreement among the factions about the PC’s name when it was formed, and Jhambukhand was picked because it is the name of the area/region. PC had 600 members and 52 FBGs at the time of registration, which had grown to 800 members and 62 FBGs by 2012.

A member can only purchase a total of 100 shares. 

However, every BOD is required to purchase at least 100 shares. PC has an Rs. 1.10 lakh approved share capital and a Rs. 10 lakh authorized share capital. PC employs two professional managers whose salaries are paid by ADS and eight additional employees, including an accountant and village level workers, whose salaries are paid in part by PC and in large part by NAIP money.

PC now has 800 members, 60% of whom are familiar with the PC industry. The average landholding of the member farmers is 0.8 hectares, with the majority of the land being irrigated by the canal. Wheat, barley, mustard, and chickpea are grown in Rabbi season, and paddy, soya bean, maize, sugarcane, cotton, and chilli are grown in Kharif season. Members also work as farm laborers in other sectors or as part of the NREGA program. Farmers frequently complain about inputs not being available when they need them.

The PC’s core business is input supply and selling of collective output. PC has ties with input dealers such as Banswara Agro, Rajseed, Ashok Kesari Mal Gandhi (Chambal dealer), Bharat Saha Trader, and Kray-Vikray Sehkari Samiti, as well as selling to other PCs such as Vijwa Agro Prod. Co., Dungarpur. PC created a shop in each village, where a worker is assigned to sell and buy on PC’s behalf. Farmers are usually provided input in exchange for cash, but they may also be provided credit. PC has a Banswara IDBI Bank account. JKAPCL borrows unsecured loans from the various FBG linked with it and is also a creditor to one cluster, KVK, entrepreneur, and other four individuals, in addition to the ADS support of Rs. 2 lakh.

The PC’s key issues are a lack of working capital; banks refuse to lend to the PC because it requires a three-year balance sheet; inputs are also not accessible at the proper time, and selling through a dealer raises the cost of inputs; and inputs are given to farmers on credit, with poor recovery. In addition, the PC employs professionals who are now paid by access because the PC is unable to pay them. As a result, the human resource issue is also a major issue. The state agricultural department also refuses to help.

23. Vijwa Agro Producer Company Limited

Initially, ADS formed one FBG in January 2009, opened a common account, scheduled monthly meetings at a set time and location, and devised future initiatives to improve member farms’ conditions. More groups were formed after that, and they all came together to form a cluster. In November 2009, the cluster was renamed Waghad Kissan Sang and cooperatively purchased inputs and sold products. There were 25 organizations in the cluster and roughly 350 farmers. Sangh was converted into a PC in November 2010 after a year to do more business and obtain their license to procure inputs. At the time, the PC had 38 FBGs and 588 members.

Every PC member is fully aware of the company’s operations (table 25). The average number of people in each group is 15. Each group can have a maximum of 19 members and a minimum of 10. A total of Rs. 8.5 lakh has been saved by 38 groups, with 3 lakh being loaned to group members. The organizations themselves manage the money, so PC has control over it.

In the Rabi season, farmers plant wheat, chickpeas, and mustard, whereas they grow maize, urd, and vegetables in the Kharif season. Those who get their water from wells complain about power outages. Member farmers have an average landholding of 0.72 hectares, with a maximum of 2.4 hectares and a minimum of 0.16 hectares. Aside from crop production, farmers raise cows and chickens for personal consumption and 2 to 3 goats for market sale. Farmers are forced to purchase food from the market for self-consumption since they cannot meet their food needs from their farms. “If unnat bij mil jaye, kuch acha ho sakta hai, per pehli samsya to paani ki hai,” they said.

The PC’s primary role is to provide inputs and grains for consumption (table 24). PC also bought 10 quintals of chilli from Sawai Madhopur in 2010 and distributed them for personal enjoyment. PC also sells daily household supplies to its members, which they buy from Hindustan Lever Limited and ITC dealers in Dungarpur. In April 2010 and May 2011, PC purchased wheat and maize from JKAPCL and sold it to members for consumption. 

PC provides inputs and grain to members on a credit basis because it recognizes that farmer members have money in their groups’ savings accounts and that if they did not pay on their own, they did so by borrowing from the groups. The members are also pleased with the founding of PC because they were able to obtain input from their own community rather than having to purchase it from Dungarpur previously.

The PC’s biggest issue is a lack of working cash and a godown for storing inputs, which they are currently using as a rental shop. PC is unable to purchase the produce of farmers due to a lack of funds. Farmers are willing to sell through the PC, but they sell their produce to local traders due to a lack of funds. Twenty percent of farmer members are dissatisfied with PC’s efforts. 

24. Dungaria

Dungaria PC arose from Mewada Kissan Sang, which had been around for a year. It is run by a graduate from an agricultural family who has worked there for three years. Even though the PC was registered in 2010, the FBG had been in operation since 2008-09. The maximum number of shares that can be purchased is 100, with a minimum of ten. The maximum number of shares is retained by agreement, and each member of the board of directors has purchased 100 shares. 

The PC is linked with 26 FBG from 12 villages. There are 219 ordinary members in addition to the shareholders. The landholdings of the 125 individual member shareholders range from 0.08 hectares to 1.12 hectares, with the average being 0.48 hectares.

Farmers in the region mostly engage in vegetable production and animal husbandry, including dairy, poultry, and sheep farming. Because most of the territory is dry ground, tubewells are the only method of irrigation, and 90% of members use them. The PC’s major activity has been producing BT cotton seeds for a seed organizer in Gujarat’s Himmatnagar, who then sells the contracted seed to Biosheetal and Deepak seeds.

It also provides inputs to member farmers such as vegetable seed, fertilizers, biofertilizers, and insecticides. It also sold groceries on commission for a while. In addition, it provided cattle feed to them, which was purchased from Sabar dairy, which buys milk from the surrounding area, because many members own cattle, sheep, and goats.

In 2010-11, BT cotton seeds accounted for 90% of the company’s revenue. The PC purchases BT cotton seed at Rs 410/kg and receives a Rs 15/kg commission. The seeds are carried to Idar in Gujarat’s Sabarkantha district by members through PC for ginning. The seed organizer bears the cost of transportation. The seed organizer provides all seed production inputs, including seeds, on credit. 60% of seed growers are shareholders, with the remaining members being regular members. 

Only 20% of the entire seed producers are non-members, and 80 percent of the total seed producers were into seed production before the PC came in. The PC mostly works with member farms, with non-members accounting for only 10% of its revenue. This year, it began supplying tubewell equipment with the help of an agro dealer. It accepts input from both other PCs and KVSS. Farmers often buy 25 to 50 percent of their inputs from the PC and sell 50 percent of their seed production to the corporation. On behalf of the state department of agriculture, it distributed subsidized spray pumps to its members.

25. Sahyadri Agriculture PC (SAPC)

SAPC was founded by a Mumbai-based agricultural graduate with an MBA. He worked in the corporate sector before launching his financial planning firm, KAIJING Disciplined Investment Solution. In November of 2011, he established SAPC to invest in the purchase of land for plantation purposes. He is the PC’s leading promoter and has received no help from anyone. Initially, there were 45 shareholders, but by the end of the year, there were 70. (table 30).

For 2 acres of land, a minimum of 1040 shares must be purchased. PC engages in purchasing wasteland for plantation as part of their focus on wasteland management in rural areas, which is non-agricultural land that is not irrigated. PC’s vision, according to the CEO, is to:

  • be the industry’s and people’s leader in terms of nutrition
  • create a unique value proposition
  • Be dependable, inventive, and enterprising
  • delight customers while growing profitably

Based on profit sharing, investors leased the land to the Sahayadri for 15 years for various agricultural activities. After that, profits will be dispersed according to shareholding. The PC currently owns 500 acres of land, with plantation taking place on 100 acres in Baveli and 360 acres in Mandokli. There are five directors on the PC. 

PC has plans to launch agro-tourism, a medicinal plants zone on 50 acres, and a plantation contract with companies such as ITC and Pepsi. In addition, the sibling company, KAIJING Agro Services, is seeking to help a Malaysian company with the contract growing of baby corn.

Because none of the promoters is a farmer, this is an example of a PC that primary producers did not create. The majority of them work in service or business, with the women serving as housewives. Again, this is an example of the Act being abused.

26. Sahyadri Farmers PC (SFPCL)

A Nashik grape exporter founded SFPCL with an M.Tech in Agricultural Engineering. For the past six years, he has been in the grape export business under the name Ms. Vilas Vishnu Shinde Exporters, which contracts with 400 Global gap certified farmers to grow grapes. In October of 2010, he registered the computer. The PC has an Rs. 1 crore authorized share capital and an Rs. 85 lakh paid up money (table 26). The exporter and farmers themselves are the main proponents of the PC. They don’t want the government to help them. 

There are 11 shareholders in PC, and there has been no share distribution to date. PC has five directors, and non-members account for 100% of its revenue because it has not dispersed its share. There are 800 users on PC. The PC’s major business is grape input supply, technical assistance, and export. The PC’s farmers have an average land size of 2 hectares, ranging from 0.8 to 20 hectares. There was no business in the PC in 2010-11 because it was registered in October 2010.

PC had a revenue of Rs. 20 crore in 2011-12, with 20% of that coming from input supply and 80% coming from grape export. Non-members account for 100 percent of the company’s revenue. Grapes are a perishable commodity; thus, there is no set price; it all rests on the consignment sale, where the trader guarantees a minimum price, which they then pass on to the grower. However, they have been giving Rs. 7-8 above the minimal fee for the past 3-4 years.

The European market accounts for 80% of total grape exports, while the Gulf market, including Russia, Dubai, and Egypt, accounts for 20%. Previously, he would buy grapes from contract farmers and export them through his export firm; however, since the foundation of PC, they still export through the export firm but bill under the name of SFPCL. PC still has no employees, although it employs 20 employees from the export industry. 

Farmers are always connected to the PC through their mobile phones for any technical help, climatic information, price information, demand from PC, and so on, thanks to PC’s SFPCL Krishi Software. PC has seed, fertilizer, pesticides, export, and import licenses, but not an APMC license. 

PC imported Rs. 2.5 crore worth of fertilizer from China last year, which it supplied to its members at a 25% discount above market price.

PC has 800 users who are well informed about the company’s operations and rate its performance as excellent. The PC purchases 50% of the total inputs utilized on their farms, and they are all members of the other local cooperatives.

27. Baliraja Krishak

Lok Panchayat is a local non-governmental organization that worked on a watershed improvement program in the Ahmednagar district before moving on to a post-watershed program for sustainable agriculture. This project began in 1993 and lasted until 2001. They organized a rally called Kissan Samvad Yatra in 2001 to learn about agriculture’s issues and status and speak with experts about the problems. 

They concluded that the cost of cultivation has increased due to the use of chemical fertilizers, which has also harmed the environment and caused health problems, and that organic farming is the solution. Then they began to raise awareness about organic farming. In 2005, UNDP provided funding for demon plots of organic farming in 20 communities with 22 farmers, and they began persuading more farmers to follow suit.

They began organic farming in dry land areas since farmers in these areas still practice traditional farming and use little or no pesticides in their fields; but, for irrigated crops such as wheat and vegetables, they must travel to semi-irrigated areas and begin farming with the tribals there. Then there was the issue of how to market the organic produce. They brought it to the larger malls, but they needed certification, so they went to the Maharashtra Government’s Organic Farming Centre in Nagpur in 2008 and established a link with them and an agency called NOCA in Pune that provides organic certification, which they received. 

They began by forming farmer groups in each village, and then combining them into one Krishak Panchayat, where they established the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS). Next, the agricultural groups themselves validated each other’s products and took responsibility for one another. Then, to move forward in the company form and make it sustainable, they had meetings with all farmer groups and urged them to register as PCs. They did so in 2009 with 100 shareholders, which has now grown to 220.

PC began the seed bank program by collecting conventional seeds and growing them in the farmers’ experimental plots. Before each sowing season, a database is prepared with information on the seed planted by farmers. They also swap seeds in a 1:2 ratio with traditional seeds. This year, PC will begin selling products created from wild items such as Karonda Squash, honey collected by tribals from the forest, Jamun juice, and pickle from the Lok Panchayat’s Aadhar Kendra benefit of single women (widows, Left by husband).

For neem seed supply, the PC has connections with the Nirmati women’s cooperative, the Lok Panchayat SHG, and dealers in Pune, Nashik, and Banglore. They also sell at exhibitions from time to time. Seventy-five percent of members are familiar with the PC industry and view its performance as satisfactory. Farmers only sell 25% of their total yield to the PC.

28. Devnadi Valley Agriculture Public Coorporation 

Devnadi Valley Agri PC was established in 2011 but has been in operation since 2009. It is also based on existing WUAs and pushed by Sunil Pote’s NGO, Yuva Mitra, which began working in alternative education, biodiversity conservation, and check dam rehabilitation in 2000. Sunil holds a master’s degree in social work and has previously worked for Baba Amte NBA and Glaxo. 

The NGO works in 20 villages, where it has helped to irrigate and repair 1100 hectares of land. It has also aided dairy development by forming a private limited company that collects milk and chills it before selling it to Dynamic Dairy. It has 170 providing members and gathers 2000 liters of milk every day. It was set up on the internet. 

It has 173 members with Rs. 1000 shares each and 10 directors with Rs. 5000 shares each, for a total paid capital of Rs. 2.13 lakh. It had 103 shareholders in 2010-11 (table 30), and the Directors’ land holdings ranged from 2 acres to 20 acres, with the main crops being onion and garlic and other vegetables except for wheat, with onion acreage ranging from 1 to 3 acres. The PC’s chairwoman is a commerce graduate who has served as the director of PACS for the past five years. Aside from being farmers, the other directors are undergraduates or graduates. 

The PC was established to promote direct connections between farmers and consumers, assuring market and price stability for crops through different marketing channels, increasing yield and production through quality and balanced inputs, and modernizing farming techniques. Members of the PC hail from ten villages in the Nashik district’s Sinner taluka. More than 40% of the land in most of these settlements is unirrigated. Soybean, onion, wheat, and vegetables like tomatoes and garlic are among the area’s main crops. 

It is in the business of marketing the products of member farmers. In 2010-11, it consigned 160 MT of onion to Tata Khet Se and 4 tonnes weekly to Tata retail venture Star Bazaar for three months. It used to sell vegetables through an SHG-run shop in a Nashik police colony, but that shop has now closed. In open houses, it provides training to farmers on how to grow unusual crops.

PC intends to establish rural business hubs in agro malls with cluster-level service centers that would give inputs to member farmers at the village level and gather farmer output for better marketing and selling. SHGs, farmer organizations, or clubs will be in charge of these collection centers and service units. Each service center will provide services to ten to twenty towns. In 2012, NABARD provided the PC a credit of Rs. 30 lakh under its Producer Organization Development Fund (PODF).

The main issue is a lack of finances, particularly investment money. However, the promotion agency believes that the most serious issue is a lack of awareness of the PC concept and its use among farmers and professionals. The absence of farmer participation and professional orientation is a major roadblock to making PC function. Professional management support is required to make PC work. It is not connected to any other PC in the area. The promotional NGO provided five days of training to 110 members of this PC. To gain economies of scale, PC advises increasing the membership to 1000 people. Its main marketing issue is ensuring quality and supply, which is dependent on input management.

29. Waghad Agri PC

The computer was registered in September 2009 and turned on in 2010. The promoter heard about the PC and registered it online with the help of a local executive engineer. The promoters own 1000 shares worth Rs.10000 each. The majority of the members are WUA members. Three BPL farmers exist, but they have not purchased any shares. There are 14 more members in addition to the promoter. The PC’s chairwoman is a commerce graduate, while the other directors are matriculants or undergrads.

There are three water user associations (WUAs) in the village, one for each minor canal region that is part of a medium irrigation scheme. These WUAs are part of the canal water users organization, which has been in existence since 1995 and covers four communities. Since 2003, these organisations have been federated into a canal Water Users Federation, including 24 WUAs and 50000 members.

The PC’s major source of revenue is the sale of grapes, which are farmed by its members anyway. In the canal’s command area, there are 10,000 hectares of horticulture. The PC was set up to make it easier to market these high-value crops. In 2010-11, it sold grapes worth Rs 73 lakh to distributor Tata Khet Se and Rs 35 lakh in Ahmadabad and Surat markets.

The members’ average holding size is 2.4 hectares, with a range of 2-4 hectares. Only the grape acreage varies between 0.4 and 2 hectares. In the instance of Tata Khet Se, sales were made on a consignment basis in 2009-10, which meant that only farmers were paid if they were sold. The PC was only sold to Tata Khet Se once. It was largely sold through intermediaries, who got significantly lower prices than the farmers were promised. In 2009-10, this resulted in a loss of Rs. 11 lakh, and in 2010-11, it resulted in a loss of Rs. 4 lakh.

The PC bears this loss because farmers were paid guaranteed prices, and some payments are due owing to losses incurred. In addition, the PC received a 1% commission from Tata Khet Se for the products it purchased, although the quantity purchased was barely 3-4 percent of the total. Tata Khet Se also gave other resources, such as credit for crates, and the PC was given first priority in an open auction. Therefore, in addition to plastic pouches for grape packing, the PC purchased 5000 packaging boxes from Tata Khet Se.

There is no CEO on the PC and only one accountant. It does not have an APMC or an export license. However, it is based at the WUA office and has access to the internet and computers. It has two shops for the selling of inputs and has recently gained a license for them. The main issues include a lack of funds due to the absence of collateral, a lack of marketing abilities, and a lack of financial support from produce purchasers.

30. Abhinav Farmer’s Club 

Abhinav Farmers’ Club is a Maharashtra-based cooperative comprising about 850 farmers. NABARD came up with the idea for this one-of-a-kind Farmers Club. We began by cultivating Indian vegetables, cut flowers, fruits, milk, and dairy products. We now offer exotic vegetables to several Maharashtra malls, cash and carry stores, five-star hotels, and exclusive caterers. All fresh agricultural food is delivered to our main branch in Pune, where it is graded and stored in a controlled environment according to specifications. The packages are manually processed.

Systematic packaging guarantees that the product stays fresh and arrives in perfect condition. They also provide extensive advice and training to farmers on sowing, planting, water drainage, handling, and crop requirements, as well as encouraging them to utilize organic fertilizers. Many of the farmers who are members of the Abhinav Farmers’ Club have changed their lives due to their involvement with the organization.

It is a national award-winning cooperative agricultural program based in the Mulshi taluka of Maharashtra’s Pune district. In Maharashtra, the group began with 850 farmers cultivating roughly 143 hectares of land. NABARD came up with the idea, and by April 2012, the club had 4,600 members from Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh. In 2004, the club was founded. 

In 2008, it got a national award for its efforts. Dnyaneshwar Bodke, the club’s founder and chief volunteer, founded the organization. In polyhouses, the club grows flowers and organic vegetables, which it sells to retail stores in Mumbai and New Delhi. 

During the Covid-19 pandemic in India, they relied heavily on the Locacart software developed by IIT Mumbai and allows for seamless delivery of veggies and fruits via e-commerce. It is aiding around 150 households in Pune in growing their own veggies on balconies and terraces of flats, as well as in pots.

31. Agricultural Promotion and Investment Corporation of Odisha Limited

APICAL (Agricultural Promotion & Investment Corporation of Odisha Limited) is a Government of Odisha Public Sector Undertaking established on March 1, 1996, to bring the enterprise to agriculture as envisioned in the State Agriculture Policy of 1996. 

Since June 1, 1996, it has been in operation with the only purpose of supporting agro-based businesses/food processing industries, including commercial agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, and fisheries, to boost investment in agriculture allied sectors in general. 

The organization promotes commercial agriculture in the state by providing various services such as technical assistance, entrepreneur training, dissemination of information about the state’s commercial and export-oriented agriculture opportunities, and the preparation of bankable project reports. In addition, it provides escort services to companies in the agribusiness industry. 

APICOL is also used to channel incentives under the State Agriculture Policy and numerous other departmental initiatives. APICOL also serves as the Nodal Agency for the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) and the virtual office of the Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Ministry of Commerce, and Government of India.

The vision is to make the transition from subsistence to commercial agriculture. by motivating farmers and entrepreneurs to start commercial agribusinesses and providing an interactive link between technology, economy, environment, institutions, and society for the rapid development of agriculture, agro-based/food processing industries, and a substantial base for the production of value-added agro-food products for domestic and export markets with a strong focus on quality. The organization is playing different roles and carrying out all the roles as listed below:

  • Counselling
  • Escort Services
  • Entrepreneurship Building
  • Single window channelizing agency with respect to Agriculture Policy and various other schemes,
  • Facilitating service including Institutional Linkage Building
  • Consultancy service    
  • Information dissemination

32. All India Kisan Sabha (36 canning lane)

The All India Kisan Sabha is a peasant front in India fighting for farmer rights and the anti-feudal movement. The All India Kisan Congress was created in 1936 at the Indian National Congress (INC) Lucknow Session. The first President of the All India Kisan Sabha was Sahajanand Saraswati, the creator of the Bihar Kisan Sabha Movement and the Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha (BPKS). However, the front was split into two when the Communist Party of India split in 1964 — All India Kisan Sabha (CPI) and All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS). 

The Kisan Sabha movement began in Bihar in 1929, when Sahajanand Saraswati founded the Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha (BPKS) in order to mobilize peasant discontent against zamindari assault on their occupancy rights, igniting the Indian farmers’ movement. The peasant movement grew stronger over time and spread throughout India. In April 1935, noted peasant leaders N. G. Ranga and E. M. S. Namboodiripad, then secretary and joint secretary, respectively, of the South Indian Federation of Peasants and Agricultural Labour, suggested the formation of an all-India farmer’s body after the construction of the Congress Socialist Party (CSP) in 1934.

All of these radical developments culminated in the formation of the AIKS at the Indian National Congress’s Lucknow session on April 11, 1936, with Saraswati elected as its first President,[5], which included people like Ranga, Namboodiripad, Karyanand Sharma, Yamuna Karjee, Yadunandan (Jadunandan) Sharma, Rahul Sankrityayan, P. Sundarayya, Ram Manohar Lohia. The Kisan Manifesto, published in August 1936, called for eradicating the zamindari system and the discharge of agricultural loans. It adopted the red flag as its symbol in October 1937. Soon after, its leaders were increasingly estranged from Congress, and in Bihar and the United Provinces, they clashed with Congress governments on several occasions.

The movement grew increasingly controlled by Socialists and Communists as it drifted away from the Congress in the following years, and by the 1938 Haripura session of the Congress, under the presidency of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, the breach was clear. By May 1942, the Communist Party of India, which the government officially legalized in July 1942, had taken control of AIKS throughout India, including Bengal, where its membership had grown significantly. 

It adopted the Communist Party’s People’s War position and kept out of the Quit India Movement, which began in August 1942, despite losing its popular support. Many of its members defied party orders and joined the movement. Prominent members soon left the organization, which found it increasingly difficult to approach peasants without the watered-down approach of pro-British and pro-war. They increased its pro-nationalist schedule, much to the chagrin of the British Raj. He had always expected the Communists to assist them in combating the nationalist movement. 

33. All India Kisan Sabha (Ajoy Bhavan)

The All India Kisan Sabha is the Communist Party of India’s peasant or farmer branch. Swami Sahajanand Saraswati, who founded the Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha (BPKS) in 1929 to mobilize peasant discontent against zamindari attacks on their occupancy rights, spearheaded the Kisan Sabha movement in Bihar.

The peasant movement grew stronger over time and spread throughout India. All of these peasant upheavals culminated in the founding of the All India Kisan Sabha at the Indian National Congress’s Lucknow session in April 1936, with Swami Sahajanand Saraswati elected as its first president. The Kisan Manifesto, which was published in August 1936 and sought the eradication of the zamindari system as well as the discharge of agricultural loans, adopted the red flag as its emblem in October 1937. [number four] Soon after, its leaders were further estranged from Congress, clashing with Congress governments in Bihar and the United Provinces on several occasions.

As the movement shifted away from the Congress, it became increasingly dominated by Socialists and Communists. The schism was clear by the Congress’s Haripura session in 1938, presided over by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. By May 1942, the Communist Party of India, which the government had legalized in July 1942, had acquired control of the All India Kisan Sabha across India, including Bengal, where its membership had grown significantly. 

It adopted the Communist Party’s People’s War policy and kept out of the Quit India Movement, which began in August 1942, even though this risked losing its popular base. Many of its members joined the movement over party orders. Important members such as N.G. Ranga, Indulal Yagnik, and Swami Sahajananda soon left the organization, which found it increasingly difficult to reach out to peasants without adopting a watered-down pro-British and pro-war approach. Moreover, it increased its pro-nationalist agenda, much to the British Raj’s chagrin.

34. Aam Kisan Union

Aam Kisan Union was founded by farmers in the Harda district of Madhya Pradesh in January of 2014. AKU is led by a group of farmers or a committee of farmers. AKU is a nonpolitical organization of Madhya Pradesh (India) farmers dedicated to the complete development of the state’s and nation’s farmers. Farmers founded it for farmers. AKU is an actual Farmers Organization that is run by Farmers, for Farmers, and by Farmers. 

AKU is the only organization in Madhya Pradesh/India that is not affiliated with or tied to any political objective or party and works only to improve the socio-economic conditions of Madhya Pradesh’s farmers. AKU is dedicated to identifying, analyzing, and following up on issues affecting farmers and industry. 

Young farmers administer AKU with the help of experienced farmers, and most of its members have degrees in agriculture, social science, business administration, and other fields. .Everyone is eager to accept new technologies to increase production.

AKU is dedicated to bringing technology and research from the lab to the real world. AKU keeps a careful eye on all government operations and agricultural policy decisions. AKU is thought to be a nonviolent agitator and movement. 

AKU is assisting all national level farmer’s associations in exchanging ideas for farmer empowerment and problem resolution. AKU invites and welcomes suggestions and ideas for improving the well-being of farmers.

  • Farmer’s level for End to end agriculture development sowing to processing
  • Coordinating with Agro based Corporate and Industries
  • Coordinating with policy maker and Scientist
  • Coordinating with technology developer and implement
  • Coordinating with research and scientist
  • Coordinating with Agri professional
  • Coordination with Media

35. Alliance for Sustainable & Holistic Agriculture

ASHA (Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture) is a large, informal national network of over 400 organizations from 20 Indian states that came together in 2010 to organize a Kisan Swaraj Yatra, a nationwide mobilization to raise awareness about issues relating to our food, farmers, and freedom. 

Farmers’ organizations, consumer groups, women’s organizations, environmental organizations, individual citizens, and experts make up the network, which is dedicated to the cause of sustainable and viable farm livelihoods in rural India, including ensuring that productive resources are under the control of farming communities, resulting in safe, nutritious, diverse, and adequate food for all Indians.

ASHA articulates a 4-pillared Kisan Swaraj Neeti based on the talks during the Kisan Swaraj Yatra and subsequent work and calls on governments to adopt it. This policy articulation provides a framework for India’s agriculture policy to be more forward-looking. Kisan Swaraj is built on four pillars:

  • farm household financial stability; 
  • agricultural ecological sustainability; 
  • people’s ownership over agricultural resources such as land, water, and seed; and 
  • universal access to safe, healthy, nutritious, and sufficient food. 

ASHA’s work focuses on 

  • Establishing ecological farming alternatives, creating related abilities, developing organic produce marketing routes, and advocating for large-scale replication of ecological farming support.   
  • To ensure seed diversity revival and seed self-sufficiency, as well as a campaign to scale up initiatives on a large scale, especially through consumer knowledge and empowerment. 
  • Keeping an eye out for any bad, unsustainable approaches in the Indian government’s BGREI (Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India) program, such as corporatization of seed supplies, chemicalisation of eastern Indian agriculture, and water use intensification, among other things. 
  • Establishing a clear case for ensuring minimum living incomes for farm households and campaigning to achieve this, 
  • understanding and advocating for a different dispensation for adivasi agriculture and food security, and 
  • Using India For Safe Food platform to campaign against hazardous agri-chemicals such as pesticides and fertilisers. A recent move to ensure women’s rights and visibility as farmers were to join forces with other like-minded organizations.

36. Bharatiya Kisan Sangh

The Bharatiya Kisan Sangh is an Indian farmers’ group affiliated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and a Sangh Parivar member. Dattopant Thengadi established BKS in 1978. BKS had a quarter-million members in 2000, according to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, who were organized in 11,000 villages and 301 districts across the country. Landed gentry control the organization.

Rajasthan was the first chapter of BKS to be established on March 13, 1978. Thengadi declared BKS as an all-India organization at the first BKS All-India Conference in Kota on March 4, 1979. Thengadi hand-picked the 650 participants for the 1979 meeting, traveling across the country to meet with farmers’ groups. Before the founding of BKS, RSS had attempted to organize the peasantry. The RSS organized farmers in the Vidharba region in the 1960s, then again in Uttar Pradesh in 1972. However, the RSS’s attempt to form an agrarian front in tandem with the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh labor union movement failed to gain widespread support.

37. Samyukt Kisan Morcha

Sanyukt Kisan Morcha (United Farmers Front) is a coalition of over forty Indian farmers’ unions created in November 2020 to coordinate satyagragh (nonviolent protest) against the three farm legislation passed in September of the same year. The SKM has stated that the three farm laws are an unwelcome imposition on farmers. They contradict the constitution, are anti-farmer and pro-big business and are anti-farmer pro-big company. 

Its goal is to stop the Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) from enacting three farm bills. Farmers are protesting the decision by three farm acts using Satyagragh (nonviolent resistance). The SKM has met with the government eleven times in an attempt to repeal the three agricultural bills and pass legislation ensuring a minimum support price (MSP) for 23 commodities, but has been unsuccessful.

The farmers’ movement is centered on SKM. It speaks on behalf of the farmers’ union in negotiations with the government, publishes comments on behalf of all unions, and coordinates strategy and tactics among the various groupings. The Sanyukt Kisan Morcha has a seven-member coordination committee that oversees the movement’s work, engages in outreach with other farmers’ unions, decides and coordinates media policy, briefs the media, addresses press conferences, issues statements, decides on movement strategy and tactics, and responds to government letters and actions. Jagjit Singh Dallewal (President BKU-Sidhupur), Dr. Darshan Pal (President Krantikari Kisan Union), Hannan Mollah (National general secretary of All India Kisan Sabha (36 Canning Lane)), Balbir Singh Rajewal (President BKU-Rajewal), Ashok Dhawale (National President of All India Kisan Sabha), Yogendra Yadav, Gurnam Singh Chaduni. 

38. Jaipur Veg agro Producer Company Ltd. (JVPCL)

JVPCL was established under Part IX A of the Companies Act 1956 as a Producers’ Company. (No. 1 of 1956) is supported by ACCESS Development Services with assistance from the Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium as part of the National Vegetable Initiative for Urban Cluster (NVIUC) of the National Horticulture Mission (NHM). JVPCL has been assisting its member farmers with agro-inputs and has provided seeds of Pearl Millet, Tomato, Chili, Green Pea, and Fodder. It has also obtained a direct dealership from Indian Potash Ltd., which has made Urea more readily available at government prices. 

JVPCL farmers grow Green Pea, Tomato, Chilli, Lady Finger, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brinjal, Bottle Gourd, Round Gourd, and a variety of other vegetables virtually all year. Farmers sell the majority of their veggies through local Mandis, such as those in Chomu/Kotputli and Sahapura, and they must deliver their crops to the Mandi, which takes time and money. Furthermore, the Mandi Agents remove 3 kg per bag of 60-70 kg of veggies due to weight loss during shipment and levy a 4% commission. The manual weighing scale also allows for 1-2 kg of weight manipulation for each 60-70 kg veggies bag. Overall, farmers are expected to lose roughly 10% of their crop.

39. Indian Organic Farmers Producer Company, Kochi, Kerala

In September of 2004, the first Producer Company was created in India. The company’s authorized capital was set at Rs. 50 lakh, divided into 1000 equity shares each. It began with ten stockholders and grew to 1356 over four years, with a paid-up capital of Rs. 13,56,000. There were eight directors and three staff working for the company. As a result, the Producer Company saw a tremendous increase in the turnover from zero to Rs. 5.52 Crores within 4 years. Within four years, the Producer Company’s turnover increased dramatically from nothing to Rs. 5.52 crores. The corporation collaborated with other companies to sell the product, including Hindustan Unilever, Cadbury, and international corporations from Switzerland, Canada, and Germany. Through capacity-building programs, members were made aware of farming techniques. 

Its internal control system was built by forming Common Interest groups of 10-15 members, and the produce was collected from members’ homes and delivered to warehouses. The company followed best practices by paying members at the time of pick-up and at a greater rate than they had previously received. By partnering with Cadbury, the company was able to raise the purchase price from Rs. 70 to Rs. 96-100. For certification of its organic produce, the company partnered with INDOCENT, Kochi. The National Horticulture Mission subsidized half of the certification fee of Rs. 150 per acre. 

The internal control system of the company was in good shape. Cocoa beans were chosen as one of the company’s crops for processing and value addition to meet worldwide standards. Previously, exports of cocoa beans have been rejected due to poor processing and quality. As a result, the business took over value-adding by processing it. The corporation discovered a tremendous demand for cocoa beans export, and they are unable to provide it. 

The productivity of crops has decreased over time, for example, pepper productivity has decreased from 100 kg per acre to 200 kg per acre due to foot Rot disease, so the farmers of Producer Company have switched to mixed farming, which includes coffee, pepper, coconut, areca nut trees, vanilla plants, and banana plants. Construction of wells and bore-wells and the acquisition of two cows per acre were the arrangements made for this mixed farming. 

The increased income per acre of land, risk coverage, pest control, and the use of organic manure were all benefits of mixed farming. Climate change and a decrease in yearly rainfall were found to have an impact on crop productivity. In the region, diversification was taking place, with bananas paying Rs. 120000 and rice selling only Rs. 15000. 

As a result, people began to switch from rice to bananas. In addition to pepper, the lesser output of pepper included coffee and vanilla. The company needed working capital, so they borrowed Rs. 20 lakh from a bank at a rate of 13.75 percent, and the members had to put their personal possessions up as collateral. The company’s members belonged to the small and medium-sized business group. 

40. Bhangar Vegetable Producing Company, West Bengal

The State Department of Horticulture and Food Processing and Access Development Services took up this effort (ADS). This company effectively brought together farmers, which enhanced productivity and better sales prices, resulting in increased profits for the company, which benefited members. The company had 1750 members who were small-scale farmers with less than one hectare of land. The company saw a beneficial impact when a farmer’s production increased from 7500 kg to over 9500 kg. 

As a result, their earnings jumped from Rs. 22,000 to Rs. 85,000 in just 140 days. Farmers lacked agriculture infrastructure, limited access to inputs and funding, a lack of knowledge about multi-cropping and inter-cropping, and no access to marketing facilities before joining the company. They developed common interest groups of 15-20 members each to tune up the company, and developed 117 FIGs with members from 48 villages, and the company was founded in September 2012. 

The company’s key goals were to lower the cost of vegetable growing, apply contemporary technology, enhance infrastructure, develop a direct market connection, add value to commodities, and promote organic farming. The company’s paid-up capital was Rs. 730 thousand. Chilli, brinjal, capsicum, cucumber, cauliflower, tomato, cabbage, bitter gourd, and other crops were grown in large quantities. The company contributed ideas and persuaded members to build 92 poly homes. For fertilizer purchases, they partnered with Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFICO). 

For soil testing, the company has partnered with Krishi Vigyan Kendra. The vegetables were processed, graded, and packed by the corporation before being sent to other marketplaces. For vegetable delivery, the company has partnered with Mother Diary as well as the West Bengal government. They also have relationships with retailers and wholesalers, such as Metro Cash and Carry Limited. Furthermore, several of the hotels were interconnected to deliver vegetables. 

The company had to overcome obstacles such as persuading members, opening bank accounts for Common Interest Groups, adopting poly homes, deciding to develop a new variety, and dealing with marketing concerns. Despite these difficulties, the company was able to raise exposure and succeed. 

They obtained a subsidy of Rs. 121.65 lakh from the West Bengal government in the form of an FPO, and they are now planning to build cold storage facilities. As a result, the Bhangar Vegetable Producer Company has set a precedent and can be used as a model for other aspiring Producer Companies. 

The essential aspects to keep in mind during intervention are providing maximum knowledge and making the farmer aware at the early phases, maintaining transparency and responsibility, pooling resources among all members, and creating a common fund to obtain bank loans. Markets must be interconnected, and ongoing research must be conducted to determine demand and prices updated and used in decision-making.

41. Madhya Pradesh Woman Poultry Producers Company Private Limited

This is India’s first company of its type, with all women from SC and ST families living in poverty. Tribes were previously reliant on forest-based livelihoods, but deforestation in their area has forced them into poverty. The situation was made worse for women since men were forced to leave in search of work, leaving behind women and children. The tribal households were raising birds for eating in their backyards. 

When PRADAN persuaded them to raise broiler chickens and join Producers Cooperative, this practice became a money-making notion for them. PRADAN rewarded each member Rs. 30,000 for the construction of structures in their backyard. The funds came from a combination of loans and grants. Poultry activity began in 1994 when the woman started growing chickens.

In 2001, the Kesla Poultry Sahakari Society became the first poultry cooperative, and eight more cooperatives were formed, with each woman rearing 400-800 birds. PRADAN attempted with Poultry Intervention because most of the participants were Gond Tribal Women who had no other options for a living. The main goal of marketing this company was to help small-scale women poultry producers by integrating them into cooperatives that operate on market principles and generate revenue for their socio-economic upliftment. 

The MPWPCL is supported by eight cooperatives: PRADAN (Professional Assistance for Development Action), the Madhya Pradesh State Government, MPDPIP, the Ministry of Rural Development through the SGSY Program, FORD Foundation, and RABO Bank Foundation, which provided soft loans, professional guidance, subsidies, and seed money to help the company get started. There are 4,050 SC and ST women in 8 cooperatives with 108 villages in Madhya Pradesh’s Hoshangabad, Sidhi, Chattarpur, Dindori, and Tikargarh districts. Individual producers were added at the village level, followed by the formation of Self Help Groups at the village level, the selection of board members at the cooperative level, and the appointment of a CEO at the cooperative level. 

The company is currently operated smoothly by a highly professional team of CEOs, a veterinary doctor. Each Co-operative was given a Production Manager, Co-operative Manager, and Marketing Manager. By establishing four feed processing units and one medicine manufacturing unit, the company was able to lower transaction costs. This has resulted in inputs being arranged at their level at the lowest possible cost, and because they created the feed, the average cost of feed per kg was Rs. 17.36, but the average market price was Rs. 22.36, resulting in a 22 percent cost savings on feed. The main goal of bringing together female entrepreneurs was to create a single platform for improved marketing and sales and prepare for market instability. 

The company has established a relationship with a market information service that provides daily updates on pricing in India’s various markets. The Cooperatives determine the daily price, which is fixed every day. For effective sales, the corporation created a Hatchery and Parent Farm at Itarsi under the brand name “Sukhtawa chicken.”

In most cases, sales are done in cash, although loyal clients are given three days’ credit. In most cases, sales are made in cash, although loyal clients are given three days’ credit. 

As a result of these operations, the company currently has 31,52,868 Rs. 10 shares, with a total authorised capital of 3,50,00,000 and a paid up capital of 3,15,28,680. Kesla Cooperative owns 51 percent of the company’s stock. The company’s turnover in 2014-15 was Rs. 34,59,54,751, and each year’s improvement may be shown. Following the success of this concept, it was reproduced in Vidisha and Sagar, using funding provided by the SGSY program.

42. Nachalur Farmer Producer Company Limited, Tamil Nadu

NABARD established the first Farmer Producer Company in Tamil Nadu in Nachalur village in Karur District in Tirichunnapalli, after seeing the success of Farmer Producer Companies in other Indian states. Traditional farming was the source of income for the rural farmers in this village. An IT Engineer who was intrigued by farming began mentoring the farmers’ community, and with NABARD’s assistance, Farmers’ Clubs with 15 members each were established in 2010. NABARD conducted a pilot initiative to transfer technology, credit counseling, and marketing in Karur District in 2010-11, where they selected 30 master farmers from 20 Farmer Clubs. These Farmer Clubs were brought together as part of a project to transfer important technologies such as the Rice Intensification System, the Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative, integrated nutrient management, integrated pest management, high density banana cultivation, mixed fodder cultivation, and animal scientific management. 

In 2012, a Producer Company was formed with 100 farmers from 30 communities who each invested 9.8 lakhs to the paid-up capital. With a paid up capital of Rs. 23,50,000, the Company now has 150 members from all castes and communities and belongs to the small and marginal category. The company began by establishing an input shop by acquiring a dealership from Nagarjunna Fertilizers to offer fertilizers and pesticides to farmers at a lower cost. And the farmers were able to sell 30 thousand tons of fertilizers at a price set by the Union Government. 

Still, other dealers were selling the fertilizers at excessive prices, resulting in increased sales and success. Then they bought farm equipment and rented it to farmers at fair rates and established a paddy and black gram processing unit, for which NABARD provided funding of Rs. 23 lakhs through its subsidiary Agriculture Finance Tamil Nadu Limited. Nachalur Farmer Producer Company is now able to deliver timely and adequate fertilizer and pesticide supplies at reasonable prices, as well as weather and pest management advice through its input shop and online access to its members for updates and fair bargaining. 

These input stores are available to nearly 50 localities. In addition, the company began accepting contracts for SRI farming from additional farmers. The Input shop’s total sales have surpassed Rs. 1.7 crores. In Pankampatti hamlet, the Producer Company also created a Warehouse for its shops and opened another input shop. Through its ADFD Chennai, NABARD once again sanctioned Rs. 20 lakhs. In the year 2014, the seed processing plant began operations. 

With a capacity of 2 tons per hour and a total capacity of 4000 tons per year, the paddy seed processing machine is one of the most efficient in the industry. The company purchased 125 tons of paddy and processed 50 tons of it. These stores provide assistance to about 5000 farmers from adjacent areas. To increase value addition, the company plans to build a modern rice mill and a modern oil mill. Many other producer firms have sprung up in Tamil Nadu as a result of the success of Nachular Farmer Producing Company.

43. Maha Gujarat Agri Cotton Producer Company Limited, Gujarat

In 2008, the Maha Gujarat Agri Cotton Producer Company was incorporated under the Companies Act of 1956. The fundamental motivation for its creation was to penetrate the World Market. In 2011, more than 8,800 farmers contributed a total of Rs. 10 million. This company has grown to become Gujarat’s larges The company’s mission was to provide its members with a single platform for entering the global market. At the village level, the company organized door-to-door services. 

The company’s mission was to improve farmers’ social and economic conditions and save the cow, the environment, and their health.t producer. In 2009, the Producer Company opened Apna Kisan Mall, which sold various types of seeds, fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and agriculture-related instruments to farmers at a discount of 15 to 60% off the open market price. 

Following the popularity of this mall, another 112 malls were built across Gujarat, including 86 Apna Kisan Malls in Amreli. Any five people can create a group and run Apna Kisan Mall, but they must first sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with PC outlining the terms and conditions. A village can open apna Kisan Mall if it has 100 members on the PC. For the formation of Apna Mall, each member must pay Rs.1,500. Gujmasal provides fertilizers, Gujarat Seeds Corporation provides seeds, and several pesticide companies provide insecticides. Cotton pooling, mango export, and agriculture input retailing were the company’s major businesses, with Apna Kisan Mall specializing in Organic Inputs. 

For storage, the company has rented Government Godowns. Soon after, the company began exporting mangos to the Middle East under the brand name “Kesar Mango.” East, where 432 Kesar Mangoes were shipped directly from the farm to the port for a total of Rs. 10 million. 60 percent of the high-quality mangoes were exported, while the remaining 40 percent were utilized for canning, which was in high demand, prompting the establishment of a fully automated canning operation. Mango was also sold in Ahmedabad, New Delhi, Mumbai, and Jaipur on the domestic market. The Company began pooling cotton in 2009-10, and they were able to pool 7.35 lakh kg of cotton that was ginned, pressed, and stored by farmers. Cotton seeds worth Rs. 68.8 lakhs and cotton lint worth Rs. The company sold 20 million. 

The company has hired expert managers, and all of its sales are done in cash. The company holds input and export licenses. The company is mostly funded by its shareholders and does not rely on government subsidies or grants. As a result of the company’s success, 4000 more farmers expressed an interest in joining, prompting the company to increase its authorized capital to Rs. 4 crore. Focused planning, competent leadership, and the mobilization of share capital were key factors in this farmer producer company’s success. Farmers, too, have seen a boost in their earnings consistently. 

44. Jalore Agro Producer Company. Ltd (JAPCL)

ADS launched Jalore Agro Producer Company Ltd (JAPCL), an FPO in the Ahore area of Jalore, Rajasthan, on March 21, 2013. A total of 1000 farmers are members of this organization, which is divided into 65 Farmer Interest Groups. Moong seed was acquired by the FPO and delivered to its members in bulk from Sumerpur Mandi in 2016-17, and a huge number of farmers took part in the scheme. 

However, during the harvest season, farmers were forced to sell their main crop, green gram, at Rs 4500 per quintal in the open market, despite the GoI’s announced MSP of Rs 5225 per quintal. However, the nearest procurement center for farmers in Jalore – Block was roughly 20 kilometers away, and farmers could not transport their produce that far. In September 2016, the company was able to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SFAC to create a procurement center for Moong’s MSP purchase. Procurements began on October 25, 2016, and 1250 MT have purchased for a total of Rs 6.5 crore. 

This procurement resulted in a net gain of Rs 725 per quintal for PC members’ farmers and a surplus of roughly Rs 90 lakhs for FPO members. The FPO also earned a profit of Rs. 9 lakh as a result of this procurement. The procurement was assisted by ACCESS, who taught FPO Directors to handle such procurements and implemented a fair system of quality control for procurement in accordance with SFAC norms. Farmers are now very motivated, and this procurement help has sparked a wave of support for FPOs in the region, not only among farmers but also among government officials.

45. Kashi Vishwanath Farmer Producer Company Limited, Varanasi

Kashi Vishwanath Farmer Producer Firm Limited (the company) is a vegetable growers company based in Rustompur hamlet, near Chiraigaon Block, Varanasi. The FPO first conducted a market survey to determine the demand for locally prepared potato papad. As a result, the company’s Board of Directors (BODs) decided in January 2017 to create potato papad that could be sold during the Holi festival in March 2017. The organization contacted a handful of local retail establishments for handmade papad as part of the market research. 

The company was able to secure demand for 200 kgs of potato papad for delivery within a week. It was intended to start by producing papad using 20 quintals of potatoes and then sell them in the local market. The FPO chose to create a papad with a women’s FIG called “Sagar Sabji Utpadak Krishak Samooh,” which has 12 women members and is based in Saraiya hamlet near Sarnath. The corporation took on the task of marketing papad under its name. 

The FIG and the FPO’s CEO discussed this, and the group decided to begin producing potato papad. Because papad was to be introduced to the market for the first time, it was agreed that women members would receive comprehensive training in papad preparation. The Food Processing Department and officials agreed to hold a one-day training session on potato papad manufacturing, which 12 women attended. The FIG member agreed to charge Rs. 50 per member each day for their five-day job and put the remaining profit of Rs. 7,000 in the FIG’s account, which will be used for additional FIG business activities. The cost of papad manufacture is shown below. 

The FPO supplied potato papad to stores for Rs150 per kg, compared to a manufacturing cost of Rs108.5 per kg. FPO charged the marketing expense at Rs5/kg. The FPO has decided to employ 10-15 FIGs to produce potato papads shortly, with the FPO handling papad marketing. Farmers are also considering adding value to other veggies by producing pickles, tomato ketchup, and other products.

46. Prayag Raj Farmer Producer Company Limited

Farmers in the Allahabad district’s Jarsa block were required to acquire agricultural inputs from block/city market input retail outlets. They would often spend the entire day buying inputs during this process. Furthermore, they frequently purchased inputs advised by shops without first determining whether or not those inputs would meet the farmers’ demands. Jarsa block farmers in Allahabad’s Allahabad district were forced to buy agricultural inputs from block/city market input retail outlets. During this process, they would frequently spend the entire day purchasing inputs. 

They also commonly bought inputs recommended by retailers without first determining whether or not such inputs would suit the farmers’ needs. These input retail businesses stock and sell numerous agricultural inputs to farmers on a timely basis based on their needs. Farmers from several nearby villages buy numerous agricultural inputs from these businesses, guaranteeing quality and cheap rates. Furthermore, farmers may now obtain these inputs in a timely manner, which was previously a problem.

Since November 2015, Prayagraj Farmer Producer Company Limited has provided agricultural inputs to farmers in small amounts through its input stores. In addition, the FPO purchases various inputs in bulk from authorized input wholesalers based on a forecast of farmer demand for those inputs. Surabhi trader, Prayag seeds, Om trader, and Maurya traders are the four wholesalers who supply the FPO with inputs. The FPO sells urea, DAP, pashu aahar, rizobium, organic manure, rexil easy, weed resistance, paddy, wheat, and mustard from its agro-input retail counter, bajra, and irrigation pipe, among other things. 

The company has yet to receive a license from the relevant government offices for seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. Prayagraj Farmer Producer Company Limited will acquire agro-inputs directly from manufacturers at distributor prices after receiving the relevant permits, resulting in larger margins for the company and larger discounts for farmers.

47. Rameshwar Farmer Producer Company Limited 

To assist farmers’ vegetable output sale, the firm opened a wholesale storefront in Varanasi’s Rajatalab mandi. Farmers used to sell veggies to local middlemen/local mandis or wholesalers at major mandis before the firm was founded. To sell vegetables at the major mandis, growers had to pay a commission of 6% to the wholesalers. 

The company opted to charge a 5% commission for selling veggies, with 2% of the commission remitted to the shareholder farmers as a loyalty bonus at the end of each month. As a result, farmers only paid a 3% commission, compared to a 6% commission imposed by wholesalers. Other farmers who are not firm shareholders are not eligible for the 2% loyalty bonus, but they still gain because they pay only 5% commission.

Since January 2016, a total of 200 FPO shareholders have been supplying veggies regularly to the FPO’s wholesale counter. In addition, around 50 non-shareholders from neighboring communities sell veggies at the wholesale counter as well. Cabbage, cauliflower, radish, pea, brinjal, tomato, cucumber, bottle gourd, lady finder, and other seasonal vegetables are among the major vegetables supplied by farmers. For managing the operations, the FPO has hired one counter sales executive and one support worker on a monthly basis.

The FPO weighs produce using electronic weighing machines, whereas other wholesalers in the mandi utilize a conventional manual weighing technique, allowing for under-weighing of farmers’ products. Only one farmer visits the mandi and returns with the sale amount, and the veggies are delivered to the counter in a common vehicle from the villages. The remainder of the farmers will save time as a result of this. Farmers have hired a permanent vehicle to transport veggies to the mandi, lowering transportation costs by 20%.

48. Shri Kuraon Farmer Producer Company Limited

Paddy grown by farmers in Allahabad’s Kuraon block is renowned for its high quality in the state. Farmers, on the other hand, are having problems marketing paddy. Several intermediaries are in the business of buying paddy from farmers’ doorsteps at a price set by the intermediaries. Farmers and mandi or rice millers have very little direct contact. Paddy farmed by farmers in Allahabad’s Kuraon block is known throughout the state for its outstanding quality. Farmers, on the other hand, are experiencing difficulties in selling paddy. Several intermediaries make a living by purchasing paddy from farmers’ doorsteps at a middleman price. Farmers and rice millers do not have much direct communication. 

To decrease the danger of the procedure, the BODs decided to look for buyers and successfully obtain paddy orders from a few rice millers. The FPO then purchased modest quantities of paddy from the growers and supplied them to the rice millers. Initially, 120 quintals of paddy were purchased from 47 stockholders and sold to rice millers. After that, the corporation decided to buy paddy straight from the growers. The FPO built four temporary procurement/collection facilities for this purpose. During the procurement process, one of the company’s directors pays a visit to the procurement center to ensure that the process runs smoothly. 

Apart from the director, the FPO’s CEO and marketing manager are also in charge of paddy procurement operations. To transport the paddy, the FPO purchased jute sacks. Growers traditionally transport their products in their own jute bags, costing roughly Rs22 (50 kgs). 

The FPO is working on securing a mandi license to sell various agricultural products from its wholesale counter in Kuraon’s Lediyari mandi. The FPO with this counter will sell products directly to the bulk buyers who come to this mandi from different districts. The FPO intends to acquire wheat and other commodities in addition to paddy in the coming seasons. The FPO is in talks with the Food Corporation of India (FCI) about selling paddy and other agricultural products to FCI directly. FCI currently buys paddy and other agricultural products now from farmers, but the FPO is working to persuade FCI to buy from farmers’ FPOs.

49.  Aman kishan Samruddhi Producer Company Ltd

To accommodate the need, India frequently imports pulses from other countries. Traders who trade in pulses profit from the circumstance. They store a significant quantity of pulses during harvesting and create a fake scarcity on the market, causing pulse prices to skyrocket. The Government of India runs pulses buying program under the Prices Stabilisation Fund (PSF) and Price Support Scheme (PSS) to ensure that prices do not rise too high. Later, when there is a demand-supply mismatch in the market, the stockpiled pulses are released to keep prices stable. 

NAFED and SFAC have been allocated 100,000 MT of pulses in Kharif 2016-17 by the Indian government. SFAC had a 16000 MT share. NAFED buys from the Kraya Vikray Sahkari Samiti, but SFAC planned to buy from FPCs. In this context, SFAC notified all Resource Institutions (RIs) and FPCs that it intends to involve FPCs in purchasing pulses (Kharif 2016-17) in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra and asked if FPCs are interested in participating. 

All five FPCs sponsored by IGS as part of the NFSM initiative in Rajasthan expressed interest in participating; thus, basic information such as pulses seeded in the area by member farmers, estimated yields, and so on was given. Finally, SFAC reached an agreement with two FPCs: Aman KSPCL and Molasar SKSPCL. Rajasthan’s SKSPCL bought 808.6 MT of greengram from 389 farmers for Rs 422.49 lakh.

50. Marwar Agro Producer Company. Ltd (MAPCL)

MAPCL was established under Part IX A of the Companies Act 1956 as a Producers’ Company. With support from the Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium, ACCESS Development Services is promoting the National Pulses Productivity Program in 60000 villages. MAPCL was founded to promote pulses in the target area, and it currently has 1847 farmers/shareholders on board. The company features a democratic governance structure, with FIGs serving as the FPO’s backbone and 10 Board members chosen through a democratic process. 

Initially, the firm members were given green gram demonstrations, and a few farmers took up a seed production program for green gram with the help of Rajasthan State Seed Corporation, achieving 130 percent of the price for the seed crop and launching localized green gram processing. During the harvest season, farmers were forced to sell their main crop Bengal Gram at Rs 2700 per quintal in the open market, despite the GoI’s announced MSP of Rs 3100 per quintal. 

However, the Atbada – Bilara Block farmers were 40 kilometers away from the nearest procurement center, and it was not practical for them to transport their produce that far. So, in April 2014, the company executed an MoU with SFAC to construct a procurement center for MSP procurement for Bengal Gram. Procurements began on May 7, 2014, when the FPO received its Mandi License, and it is now aiming for an approximate procurement of 350 MT with a turnover of Rs. 110 lakhs, resulting in a net gain of Rs. 400 per quintal and a total gain of Rs. 14 lakh for the FPO members.

51. Kedarnath Kisan Agro Producer Co. Ltd.

ISAP founded Kedarnath Kisan Agro Producer Co. Ltd. (KKAPCL), an FPO in Pachewar, District Tonk, Rajasthan, on February 15, 2013. A total of 1000 farmers from 30 communities are members of this organization. These farmers agreed to start an Input Supply Shop in Pachewar in October 2013 to lower the cost of inputs, initially fertilizers and insecticides. 

Because of the cheap price element, the farmers could sell 3.80 tonnes of fertilizers and pesticides by July of 2013. While every other dealer took advantage of these farmers by selling fertilizers at exorbitant costs, the member farmers banded together to sell the fertilizers at a predetermined rate set by the Union Government.

For the aggregation of farm products, the FPO has constructed a collection facility at the village level. The products are purchased directly from farmers during harvest season, and after being held for a while market prices rise, the produce is sold to appropriate vendors at a good price. 

As a result, this marketing approach has proven to be a very profitable company for the FPO. As a result, the FPO did business worth INR 17,172,450/- for chickpea and INR 69,98,887/- for green gram during 2016–17. Small and marginal farmers from various castes and communities make up the majority of the company today. The company has also given members some basic amenities, such as Internet access, to stay up to speed on weather reports and commodities prices, improving their bargaining power.

52. Sri Vijaya Visakha Milk Producers Company Limited

Sri Vijaya Visakha Milk Producers Company Limited (Visakha Dairy) was founded in 1973 under the Cooperative Societies Act and began operations in 1977 with a 50,000 LPD dairy factory in Akkireddipalem, Visakhapatnam. 

Visakha Dairy was converted to the MACS Act in 1999 and registered as “Sri Vijaya Visakha District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Cooperative Union Ltd” after the A.P State Government introduced it in 1995. However, with effect from January 6, 2006, Visakha Dairy was changed into a Producer Company under the name and style of “Sri Vijaya Visakha Milk Producers Company Limited” to meet its growth goals while maintaining cooperative ideology as a basic component of governance. 

This may be achievable thanks to the Government of India’s desire to help cooperatives expand and compete on a level playing field. The Companies (Amendment) Act 2002 allows cooperatives known as Producer Companies to be incorporated under Part IXA of the Companies Act 1956.

Visakha Dairy, with factories in Visakhapatnam and Rangampeta (EG) in Andhra Pradesh, is one of the country’s fastest expanding milk and milk product manufacturers. Both plants are ISO 22000:2005 certified and are equipped with cutting-edge technology. Both plants can currently handle up to 9 lakh litres of water per day. Fresh Milk, UHT, Yoghurt, Milk Shakes, Aseptic Flavoured Milk, Curd, Cream, Butter Milk, Lassi, Dhood peda, Badam Burfi, Milk Cake, Mysore Pak, Kalakand, Mistidoi, Ghee, Panner, Butter, SMP, and other dairy products are manufactured by Visakha Dairy and sold in the markets of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Orrissa, and Chattisgar. 

To combat Covid-19, Visakha Dairy created Haldi Milk and Dry Ginger Milk to strengthen immunity and provide health support. With a CAGR of 12%, the company would reach a turnover of Rs.1400 crore in 2020. Farmers are receiving instruction in the fields of clean milk, nutritional factors, fodder requirements, and animal health care at the newly established Training Center. 

Animal health is important to the government, thus it established 633 Veterinary Health Centres with the necessary infrastructure, staff, and veterinary drugs at subsidised rates. Artificial Insemination with successful cross breed semen obtained from the National Dairy Growth Board, Goushala, was used to improve breed development. Every day, ten Mobile Veterinary Service Vehicles carrying medicines and veterinary doctors provide services to more than 25 villages.

53. Sahyadri Farmers Producer Co.

Mr. Vilas Vishnu Shinde, an Agriculture Engg. Post Graduate from a small farming family, founded the company in 2010 after being inspired by the Amul story. In the 2011-12 fiscal year, the company began commercial operations. The primary business was grape exports at first, as the majority of the farmer members were grape growers. However, the emphasis was always on the Company’s responsibility to work for long-term development in all agriculture crops based on the resources available to farmers.

To help realize this aim of transforming the agriculture sector, the company has made a significant investment in its state-of-the-art facility in village Mohadi on Palkhed Rd., Dindori, which spans 90 acres. This is a one-of-a-kind integrated sophisticated facility with 800 Mt/day handling capacity for all main fruit and vegetable crops for exports, domestic, processing, and consumer products.

With an early focus on Quality and Supply Chain Management in the Grape Business, the company established itself as a leader in the global grape industry. Since 2015, SFPCL has been the largest grape exporter from India. The management is aware of the flaws in our current agricultural policies and system. Therefore, instead of quick and time-consuming solutions, we believe in comprehensive and long-term solutions.

Only by controlling the entire cycle, from productivity to quality to cost of production, bank financing, risk management, and post-harvest marketing can the Agriculture Sector overcome its issues. Based on our understanding and vision, we are able to deliver a flawless solution to our 1000+ Grape Growing Farmers across 5000 acres of land, ensuring that their farming is profitable and sustainable in any circumstances. SFPCL is confident in its ability to replicate Grape Story in other crops, and has been working on it since 2014. Currently, we’re working with 5500+ farmers that aren’t grape growers, covering 7000 acres.

54. Sangam Milk Producer Co.

In 1977, the NDDB developed a Feeder Balancing Dairy in Vadlamudi village, Guntur District, as part of OPRATION FLOOD. Following that, the milk producers of Krishna, Guntur, and West Godavari districts willingly contributed and gave one day’s milk value to acquire 34.46 acres of land to build a dairy plant. Staff quarters and technical inputs program facilities were built on 53 acres of land bought. On February 23, 1977, the Guntur District Milk Producers Co-operative Union Ltd. was registered under the APCS ACT-1964. On August 1, 1978, the AP government turned over the feeder Balancing Dairy to the Union Board and two chilling centers in Narasaraopet and Gurajala. At the time, there were 91 recognized milk societies. The government has also made a share capital contribution of Rs. 81 lakh to the union.

On 01-02-1997, the union was converted to the A.P MACS Act 1995, with the help of NDDB, to provide more democracy and freedom to the associated societies and the union’s governance. The union had redeemed the Government of A.P.’s share capital of Rs. 81 lakhs as a condition for conversion by getting an interest-free loan from the NDDB. Sangam Dairy was also incorporated on June 18, 2013, as “Sangam Milk Producer Company Limited” under Part IX-A of the Companies Act 1956.

Sangam Dairy gets its name from the “Sangameswara” temple in Sangam Jagarlamudi hamlet, close to Vadlamudi Village. The Dairy is located on the state highway between Guntur and Tenali, about 15 kilometers from Guntur and 10 kilometers from Tenali, and offers a good architectural perspective to attract people. Hence, it is one of the most well-known tourist attractions in Guntur District.

55. Paayas Milk Producer Co.

In India, milk producers are fighting for a fair portion of the milk market and a stake in the organization and the growth of their livelihoods. Their direct participation in organized industries could secure the same. This is made possible by ‘Producer Companies,’ which incorporate the unique traits of cooperative customs within a private limited liability company legislative framework.

Only a producer engaged in an activity connected to or related to Produce (Milk) can be a shareholder in a Producer Company. The primary producers, as defined by the Companies Act of 1956, must be among the members. As a result, a strong Producer Organization in the shape of the Milk Producer Company is required to maintain producers’ hold on the Dairy industry.

Paayas Milk Producer Company Limited was founded on May 19, 2012, under Part IX A of the Companies Act 1956. Since its establishment, the company has gotten an overwhelmingly positive reaction from milk producers who have registered for membership, resulting in the organization successfully enrolling almost 90,000 milk farmers throughout Rajasthan. Currently, the company operates in eight districts across Rajasthan, harvesting more than 5 lakh litres of fresh raw milk every day from its producer-members in roughly 3,000 villages across the state.

56. Maahi Milk Producer Co.

Maahi Milk Producer Company Limited is a Gujarat-based producer company that was established on June 7, 2012 under the provisions of Part-IXA of the Companies Act, 1956. The company’s primary objectives are to pool, purchase, process, and market milk and milk products, principally from the Members and others, and engage in activities that are part of or incidental to any activity related to that. The company’s registered office is at Saakar Building, 3rd and 4th Floors, Opp. Rajkumar College, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road, Rajkot, Gujarat. From March 18th, 2013, the company began commercial operations. The company’s milk procurement spread to the districts of Saurashtra and the Kutch region of Gujarat when it first started operations, including 1,912 villages and 2,142 MPPs (Milk Pooling Points). A total of 85,194 milk producers were members at the time. 

On March 18, 2021, the company celebrated the completion of eight years of commercial operations. On this occasion, the firm released 12 liters of “Maahi Power” milk. As a result, the number of operational Milk Pooling Points in the company has grown to 2359, with 2342 villages across 11 districts in Saurashtra and Kutch. 

In addition, each member of the company has been assigned a sixteen-digit unique code depending on their geographical area in order to ensure transparency in the reception of milk and payment to members (district, taluka, and village). Details on the milk purchased, its quantity, and the fat and SNF of the milk, among other things, are entered into the system online, eliminating human mistakes and maintaining the system’s reliability and transparency.

57. Saahaj Milk Producer Co

A milk producer can join Saahaj MPC by filling out a registration form and paying a registration fee (Rs. 50 for women and Rs. 100 for men) as well as a one-time share payment of Rs. 100. Members must pour a minimum of 500 litres of milk every 200 days, match share contribution equal to annual milk supply, and maintain a 1:3 lean flush ratio to sustain membership.

With the help of a hired NGO, the company has conducted Producer Awareness Programs, Quality & Clean Milk Production Programs, and Women Awareness Programs in the villages of its operational area, as well as Rural Youth Awareness Programs, School Children Awareness Programs, and MRG Orientation Programs on its own. 

Explain how the MPC differs from its competitors in terms of operational features such as direct producer payment and automated record keeping. Aware of their position and responsibilities as ideal MPC members, key aspects of MPC, how to strengthen MPC business and governance, and the value, mission, and vision of MPC and its practices in their daily operations.

Keeping up to date with information relevant to the MPP’s VCG, MRG, Sahayak, LRP, and MAIT. The quality & Clean Milk Production Program’s focus area is to recognize the importance of quality in milk, to explain the factors affecting milk quality, to list the steps involved in clean milk production, and to commit to not adding water to milk, to explain the disadvantages of adding water, and to explain the presence of foreign materials in milk. Aside from that, we educate them on hygienic milking procedures at the producer level.

58. Shreeja Mahila Milk Producer Co.

Shreeja Mahila Milk Production Firm Limited (Shreeja MMPCL): The world’s largest exclusively female-owned milk producer company, with headquarters in Tirupati, began operations on September 15, 2014. Their primary goal is to continue the business of acquiring, pooling, processing, and marketing milk in order to maximize shareholder profit while also providing the highest quality milk and milk products to clients. 

Their operations are spread over Andhra Pradesh districts and bordering villages in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, with 1300+ Revenue Villages and 74,000+ members served by 3,000+ Milk Pooling Points. In FY 2019-20, we plan to acquire around 4.22 lakh Kg of milk per day. Producer members receive balanced compound cow feed and mineral mixture under the brand name. Currently, roughly 1300 MT of cattle feed is sold per month. They also serve as the End Implementing Agency (EIA) for a number of projects carried out by the Indian government through the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) under the National Dairy Plan 1. (NDP 1). 

They provide integrated animal productivity enhancement services to our milk producers through these projects, such as the Ration Balancing Programme (RBP), which enables milk pooling, improved animal nutrition, higher conception rates, and genetically improved animals in the same area to derive maximum benefits under the National Dairy Plan (NDP). They could also build state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure for milk pooling at village level milk pooling stations using these initiatives.

They intend to increase our present membership base to 0.84 lakhs by 2019-20, and to increase revenue from Rs. 415 crores in 2018-19 to around Rs. 500 crores in 2019-20.

Shreeja MMPC was established with the goal of maximizing returns to its members by competent management and the effective use of capital, markets, and technology in order to ensure company growth without jeopardizing the essential Cooperative values of democratic governance and autonomy.

59. Baani Milk Producer Co.

The Baani Milk Producer Company Limited (BAANI MPC) was established on August 11, 2014, under the terms of section 7 sub-section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013, with its headquarters in Patiala, Punjab. Baani began operations on November 6, 2014, and is currently present in eight districts across Punjab. It operates as a separate entity with the primary goal of procuring milk by pooling, purchasing, processing, and marketing milk and milk products in order to maximize value for all stakeholders. This is accomplished by designing and implementing appropriate animal nutrition plans, animal breeding technology, and providing high-quality milk and milk products. 

Baani is built on a holistic concept that uses animal nutrition approaches to raise India’s dairy output to new heights, resulting in increased output. In India, notably in Punjab, ensuring a better quality of life for marginal farmers and encouraging women farmers.

Punjab’s integrated milk production firm is Baani Milk Producer Company.

It is operated entirely by Punjabi dairy farmers, who work tirelessly to ensure that you receive only the freshest and purest milk and milk products. Baani Milk is dedicated to changing lives by training dairy farmers on more efficient milk production and ethical procedures.Apart from producing pure and sanitary milk and milk products, Baani Milk is committed to developing a dairy community that is self-sufficient. In this very competitive dairy business, Baani Milk enables proud producers to grow. Join the Baani family and help support the livelihoods of over 55,000 farmers.

60. Shree Chhatrapati Shahu Milk and Agro Producer Co.

Shree Chhatrapati Shahu Milk And Agro Producer Co. Ltd. was founded with the goal of providing additional revenue to farmers in adjacent areas. The big idea is to develop a market where these farmers and their wives may sell their milk and other agricultural products and make a profit. Their main plant in Kagal is now a proud producer and supplier of ultra-nutritious milk and milk products. Through their milk products, they believe and aim to provide the original values of milk. 

They have been distributing healthy, fresh, and pure milk and milk products throughout Maharashtra since September 2008. The facility at Vannur updated hi-tech methods to satisfy market demands in 2010 as a result of the enormous response.  Their main plant in Kagal is now a proud producer and supplier of ultra-nutritious milk and milk products. Through their milk products, they believe and aim to provide the original values of milk. They have been distributing healthy, fresh, and pure milk and milk products throughout Maharashtra since September 2008.

In 2011, they purchased our own chilling equipment. We also have a robust distribution network to go along with it. They have over 400 dealers and 300 distributors in their distribution network. They have 41 vans for quick milk distribution. They are flexible and customer-focused. They established the revolutionary concept of ‘Milk Franchisee’ to reach new markets and allow consumers to enjoy their goods. They strive to achieve new heights with our pure and fresh products to fully please our customers.

61. Vadakara Coconut Farmers Producer Co.

Vadakara Coconut Farmers Producer Company Limited, based in Al Diyafa Complex, Co-Operative Hospital Road, Karimbanapalam, Vadakara -673101, Kozhikode District, Kerala, is engaged in the production of coconut-based products and has established and commissioned the Neera Processing Plant at Chemmarathur for the production of Neera, a health drink made from the vascular sap of coconut palms. VCFPCL was founded by federating 143 Coconut Producer Societies in Kozhikode District through 11 Coconut Producer Federations, with about 13000 farmers, and is located in Vadakara, the heart of the coconut producing area. The Neera facility in Chemmarathur, Kottapally Village, Thiruvallur Panchayat in Kozhikode District’s Vadakara Taluk has a processing capacity of 12,000 litres of Neera per day and cost 270.12 lakhs to build. The company was established on February 18, 2015, and on April 8, 2015, it was registered with the Registrar of Companies. 

The plant was officially opened on January 29, 2016, and has been in operation ever then. Various famous medical organizations are now recommending Neera as a health drink for individuals healing from various ailments.

62. Palakkad Coconut Producer Co.

The district’s coconut farmer federations founded the Palakkad Coconut Producer Company Limited (PCPCL). The company, founded on June 26, 2013, aims to help coconut farmers transition toward value-added coconut products, thereby assisting in achieving stable and greater income for the farmers. PCPCL now operates a sophisticated coconut drier with a capacity of 40000 nuts per day in Muthalamada, Palakkad. PCPCL plans to build a Neera plant at Muthalamada, Palakkad, with Neera being touted as a game changer for coconut producers. 

The Kerala government has issued regulations allowing for the tapping and sale of Neera products, but further clarification on compliance and taxation is still needed. In June of last year, a group of coconut growers in Palakkad created the PCPCL. It is the highest level of the three-tier organization, which also comprises coconut producer societies and federations. This is the second producer business to be established in Kerala, thanks to the Coconut Development Board’s assistance in initiating and implementing measures to provide fair prices for typical coconut farmers. For the benefit of its farmer members, the company engages in operations such as coconut growing, trading, and processing.

63. Vrutti Livelihood Resource Centre

Vrutti was founded in 2002 by two Anand Institute of Rural Management graduates. They are dedicated to finding ways to alleviate poverty and marginalization and develop wealth and build resilience among small producers. They seek problem solutions with entrepreneurial passion, commercial acumen, daring to innovate, and a continual challenge to old procedures as social entrepreneurs. To them, scale refers to our community’s reach and influence — the depth and breadth of our contributions to change, as well as the long-term sustainability of benefits. Their solutions are designed to get us to the next level.

They are dissatisfied with interventions that are only localized and limited. As a result, we “model” our techniques, “cost” them, and “integrate” them so that they can be embraced by communities, markets, or government policy. They are enthusiastic about objective measurement, self-reflection, and learning. They employ technology as an enhancer and work with result-based planning tools, performance measurement metrics, impact and value for money analyses.

64. Jain Hanuman Samruddhi Utpadak Samuh: Madhya Pradesh

Indian Grameen Services is the Jain Hanuman Samruddhi Utpadak Samuh’s supporting resource institution (IGS). With the help of 14 farmers, this farmer interest group was formed and a bank account was opened in its name. They began putting aside $100 each month. They paid INR.1000 per bag for 250 bags of DAP, which was cheaper than the market price of INR.1115 each bag. They saved a total of $28,750 on DAP alone. Over time, this group has assisted in developing FIGs in other villages. 

Today, all of the village-level primary groups have banded together to form a producer company to strengthen their negotiating power and reap the benefits of aggregation on a larger scale.

Farmers have also proven the outcomes of several capacity-building programs. In kharif, the farmers went through a pre-planning activity to determine the group’s input requirements. After being asked to assist with market linkages, IGS workers identified four to five dealers/distributors. The farmers were given the necessary materials at a lower cost than they were paying for them from the selected dealers. 

They bought 250 bags of diammonium phosphate for Rs. 1,000 each when the market price had risen to Rs. 1115, bringing the total savings to Rs. 28,750 on DAP alone. Over time, this group has aided in the development of FIGs in other villages. Today, all of the village-level main groups have banded together to form the Unnat Kisan Producer Company to boost their negotiating power and reap the benefits of aggregation on a larger scale.

65. Wardha Cotton and Soya Producer Company Ltd

Wardha Soya & Cotton Producers Company Limited incorporated on 17 Dec, 2010. The project’s goal was to instill confidence in poor and vulnerable farmers to fight back against their problems and improve their living conditions. As part of this endeavor, the IGS team implemented a number of measures to improve the process, one of which was the adaptation of an accounting system. Accounting is an essential element of running a business, and to keep the books in order, the producer groups (PGs) received extensive instruction on the complexities of good account keeping and account maintenance. 

As a result, the dal mill, a sub-unit of a producer company (PC) managed by a PG, keeps accurate records and conducts timely audits. Transparency has been instilled in the PG members and even the board members due to this approach. The PC’s monthly board meetings are where the monthly account statements are presented. Tally, an accounting software, has also been installed and is kept up to date on each PC. 

66. Kisan Swaraj Sangathan farmers organisation

Bhagwan Meena started the Kisan Swaraj Sangathan farmers organization in the year 2020. It is an Indian trade union that is dedicated to the welfare and fair treatment of farmers. Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Rajasthan are among the states where it operates.

Different people were working in the country to raise the issues of farmers, and these 7 persons got together on February 25, 2020, and founded the organization, which was registered as a trade union in accordance with the Indian Constitution. The group drew people from all throughout the country. Bhagwan Meena, a member of the Kisan Swaraj Organization, has led the country’s major movements, including the 2017 village bandh and the 2018 village bandh. 

Madhya Pradesh has a stronghold. Establishment of the Kisan Swaraj Organization in Madhya Pradesh’s Nasrullaganj Tehsil, with the organization’s major objectives being to address water, forest, and land concerns for the common people by building a statewide organization for farmer laborers. As a result, the problem of Adivasis and village residents is becoming more serious. The farmers’ group operates in accordance with the law. 

The organization is governed by its own set of rules. It is run in this manner. It is made from the village committee to the national committee. Its members are farm workers. Madhya Pradesh Trade Union is where the organization is registered. Is a social service and non-political organization. The organization’s principal goal is to aid peasant laborers by ensuring their rights and justice.

67. Ekta Group Vegetable and Fruits

Development Support Centre is Ekta Group Vegetable and Fruits Production and Marketing Cooperative Ltd’s supporting resource institution (RI) (DSC). This Gujarat-based FIG used collective marketing to sell vegetables in Ahmedabad’s night market instead of the traditional day market. When veggies were sold separately, the transportation cost was Rs. 1.80 per kg, but it was decreased to Rs. 0.75 per kg. 

It also saved them 3% on labor costs for loading and unloading. For three days, 35 farmers from 11 Farmer’s Interest Groups (FIG) participated in the experiment. Kuha, Karoli, Chaturpura, Kodrail, and Pasuniya were the five villages that took part in the experiment. Approximately 5.25 tonnes of vegetables, including Brinjal, Chilli, Drumstick, Bottle Gourd, and Tomato, as well as exotic veggies like Broccoli and various colored Capsicum, were sold for a total of Rs 43,581 during this time.

68. Savitribai Mahila Self-help Group

Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation is the Savitribai Mahila Self-Help Group’s supporting resource institution (BAIF). A SHG made up of local business people and tribal farmers started a poultry hatchery facility with the help of MITRA and BAIF. Tribal farmers were supplied one-month-old chicks for rearing at a cost of Rs. 40-45 per chick. The average profit per chick was Rs. 15. SHG made a profit of Rs. 13,500 per batch as a result of this (1000 lot size, taking 10 percent mortality). This FPO has assisted farmers and local entrepreneurs in properly utilizing their extra money and providing self-employment opportunities. 

An examination of FPO cases found that they have a positive impact on farmers’ economic development. The FPOs have aided in the organization of small and marginal farmers in order to enhance their living standards by providing guaranteed income, employment, improved production technology, and post-harvest management activities. Given the beneficial consequences of farmers’ collective activity, it may be prudent to establish and sustain FPOs across the country in order to boost agricultural GDP and keep small and marginal farmers in agriculture.

69. Bhatwari Valley Association

A typical village “Lata” in Uttarkashi district — one of the district’s most remote villages — is nestled in the Himalayan slopes of Uttarakhand. In 2008, under the dairy subsector program, a women’s dairy producer group was founded with the goal of establishing sustainable livelihoods and paving the path for business development services by attaining economies of scale in this sector. Because the entire community relies on trees for its fodder supply, the paucity of green fodder constituted one of the biggest impediments to such an activity in this steep location. 

One of the reasons why the village women were skeptical of dairy as a commercial venture was that they believed it would need them to spend more time in the forest fetching food for the cows. Recognizing that fodder was a crucial input for the dairy industry, the group came up with an effective solution to fodder scarcity after considerable deliberation: cooperatively planting green grass fodder in the ‘van panchayat’ property. 

70. Bhatwari Valley Association

Because the entire community relies on trees for its fodder supply, the paucity of green fodder constituted one of the biggest impediments to such an activity in this steep location. One of the reasons why the village women were skeptical of dairy as a commercial venture was that they believed it would need them to spend more time in the forest fetching food for the cows. Lata village’s 48-member dairy producer group began collaboratively cultivating green fodder on van panchayat land, which has now largely met the village’s fodder requirements (from the initial 3 tonnes to 9 tonnes in a season). 

For the purposes of this dairy subsector development program, village women were first grouped into five producer groups. The primary goal of organizing farmers who were reliant on traditional sources of income was to increase the scale of economies in the dairy sector, which had remained subsistence-level until recently. The formation of dairy producer groups by women cleared the path for business development services (BDS) and assisted them in moving activities to the business level. By working with the van panchayats to begin permanent fodder cultivation, the group has given adequate attention to the subject of fodder. 

71. Devbhumi Natural Products Producer Company Limited

Since organic cultivation has always been the traditional practice in the region, and these same farmers are now shareholders in DevBhumi, and over 6000 households participate in DevBhumi economic activities, Devbhumi Natural Products Producer Company is a farmer producers organization registered under section 9A of the Indian Companies Act. More than 4000 of these people are stockholders in the company, with the vast majority of them being women. 

These manufacturers live in remote mountain communities in Garhwal, Uttarakhand’s higher Himalayas. They are yarn spinners, exquisite fabric weavers, beekeepers/organic honey harvesters, and organic spice growers. They have advanced from subsistence cultivation to income-generating activities, market connections, and access to contemporary technology and techniques, all while maintaining the forest and its inhabitants, which they truly love and appreciate. All of this is done in a sustainable way, preserving the region’s distinctive ecosystem, biodiversity, and harmony with mountain characteristics. The holy shrines of Shri Kedar Nath, Tungnath, and Madhmaheswar are also located in the region, making it one of the most unique and picturesque places on Earth.

72. Nizmula and Mandal Valley Association

Farmers in mountainous areas have practiced traditional beekeeping for a long time, but it has always been a subsistence activity and part of the barter economy. The honey harvested was mostly used for domestic use, therapeutic purposes, or religious rituals, and it was always non-commercial and low-key. Appropriate Technology India (ATI), an Uttarakhand-based NGO, proved the potential for building a honey value chain in the Himalayas and began engaging primary producers interested in participating. The producers saw the model’s numerous economic benefits and banded together in order to take advantage of the honey industry’s economies of scale. 

They were shown various revolutionary solutions, including improved wall hives, better swarm capture, safe extraction procedures, seasonal bee management, and induced bee breeding technology, all of which were aimed at reducing risks in the organic honey value chain. They were able to build an organic farming system and secure what is possibly the first organic certification for honey in Uttarakhand thanks to their knowledge and information on best practices in the organic industry.

The producer groups, which included 2,422 honey producers from various villages, increased their production and formed partnerships with 12 existing business service providers (BSPs) who provide commercial services like bee box construction, swarm supply, hive maintenance, and certain beekeeping equipment.

73. Mulukanoor Women’s Mutually Aided Milk Producers Cooperative Union 

The Mulkanoor Cooperative Bank was established in 1956 by its founder, Late Sri A.K. Vishwanatha Reddy, under the Hyderabad Cooperative Society Act of 1952. Following the passage of the Cooperative Society Act of 1964, this society was assumed to be registered under it. Later, once the Mutually Aided Cooperative Society Act of 1995 was passed. It’s now known as the MACS Act. The society’s operating area consists of 14 revenue villages and 18 Gram Panchayats.

The grounds in its operational area are upland with hillocks. Except for minor tanks and ponds, there is no major source of irrigation. The majority of agricultural activities rely solely on open wells and bore wells for water. The water table has been depleted as a result of the total exploitation of underground water. This society’s territory is fully prone to drought. For almost 14 years, the cooperative served the farmers from the original president’s home before moving into its own office space in 1970. There are currently 7629 members in the society, with a share capital of Rs. 13.96 crores and thrift deposits of Rs. 24.61 crores. For the fiscal year 2015-16, the society’s revenue was 270.18 crores. The society’s audit classification is “A” Class. 

Mulkanoor Women’s Mutually Aided Milk Producers Cooperative Union’s Core Philosophy is Collective Action and unmatched services to clients and members, guided by the vision of their leader Sri Viswanath Reddy, who instilled in them the values of cooperation and service. Year after year, in keeping with their Core philosophy, they try to deliver new services and goods to the market – products and services that aim for the best quality at the most affordable costs. And when they say, “Excellent service to clients and members at all costs,” they don’t just say it; we put it into action every day in our operations. Repeat orders, a loyal client base, and growing membership are among the benefits.

74. Dharmarajupalli Foundation Seed Farmers Mutually Aided Cooperative Society

The Dharmarajupalli foundation Seed Farmers Mutually Aided Cooperative Society was founded in 1999 to produce high-quality seeds that would increase income and provide better market services. Over the years, the cooperative has disproved the widespread belief that quality foundation seeds can only be produced and distributed by large corporations. 

It set an example by organizing a group of 151 small farmers in Dharmarajupalli (a small village in the Huzurabad mandal of Andhra Pradesh’s Karimnagar district), demonstrating that they, too, can grow foundation seeds that meet national standards. Despite its humble beginnings in a remote Huzurabad village, the cooperative has grown to deliver high-quality foundation seeds to all of its members. 

Its members come from Dharmarajupalli village or nearby villages like Kandugula, Kanukula Gidda, and Jupaka in Hujurabad mandal, and Bheempalli and Uppal in Kamalapuram mandal. There are currently 151 members and 15 non-members, each possessing 600 acres and 200 acres of land. It has been essential in bringing about a significant change in its members’ social and economic standing since its founding. It promotes self-sufficiency while assuring cooperation among its members, and it follows a democratic operating method that is critical to any business’ success.

75. Gambhira Agriculture Cooperative Society Ltd.

In 1951, the government gave the flood victims 246 acres The Gambhira cooperative is noted for its amazing structure of organizations within society ensuring that its members can use the incentives available to them. Merit is found in combining land resources with human labor in a cooperative framework to achieve balanced growth and prosperity for member households. of land to help them recover from the disaster. Changanbhai Mulijibhai Patel, a Gandhian social worker, proposed that the wasteland along the Mahi River be allocated to farmers. 

This distribution was completed successfully, ensuring that every flood-affected farmer in that village was provided for. The Gambhira cooperative is noted for its amazing structure of organizations within society ensuring that its members can take use of the incentives available to them. Merit is found in combining land resources with human labor in a cooperative framework to achieve balanced growth and prosperity for member households. 

The cooperative spends money on development activities such as building rooms for primary and secondary schools (anganvadis), constructing small bridges across roads, nalas (canals for drainage), sewage and gutter lines, and purchasing medicines from primary health centers, among other things, to improve the socio-economic condition of its members.

76. Nachalur Farmer Producer Company Limited

In June 2012, 100 farmers from 30 villages in Tamil Nadu founded the Nachalur Farmers Producer Company Ltd. as a Producer Organization. These farmers agreed to start an input supply shop in Nachalur in October of the same year to lower input costs (initially, fertilizers and pesticides). The farmers were able to sell 300 tonnes of fertilizers by December, owing primarily to the price aspect. While every other dealer took advantage of these farmers by selling fertilizers at excessive costs, this collective resolved to sell fertilizers at Union government-set rates. 

The farmers were so encouraged by the success of this project that they decided to expand it to three other villages. Following that, the corporation bought farm equipment, which was subsequently rented out to the farming community at a low cost. Their next goal is to invest Rs. 30 lakh in a paddy and black gram seed processing unit (financed by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, or NABARD). Small and marginal farmers from various castes and communities make up the majority of the company today. It has also provided Internet access to members, allowing them to stay up to date on weather and commodity prices in order to increase their bargaining power. This company’s main focus has been to lower input costs in order to lower production costs.

77. Koutla- B Mutually Aided Cooperative Society

The organization’s goal was to enable farmers to band together in order to secure group discounts on agricultural inputs and, as a result, a higher price for their products when it was sold. Koutla-B MACS was a trailblazer in the promotion of producer cooperatives. Cotton farmers have better control over their input, output, and financial needs due to it. Farmers in neighboring areas have also adopted the idea, inspired by its success.

BASIX, a livelihood promotion organization, first selected a reputable local dealer in a nearby town and linked them to the cooperative. The cooperative management was given an interim period to familiarize themselves with the essential tasks of a dealer before being connected to a dependable distributor. Following that, IGS helped MACS obtain dealership and distributorship licenses from reputable companies. 

Koutla-B MACS built backward input connections by providing the whole spectrum of inputs for its members, including seeds, fertilizers, biopesticides, insecticides, and agricultural equipment. Following that, IGS helped MACS obtain dealership and distributorship licenses from reputable companies. Koutla-B MACS built backward input connections by providing the whole spectrum of inputs for its members, including seeds, fertilizers, biopesticides, insecticides, and agricultural equipment.

78. Narayangadh Agro Producer Company Limited

The lack of energy is one of the country’s key problems today. Photovoltaic cells based on the sun have evolved as an alternative energy source that can address current energy shortages challenges. This technology has the potential to tremendously assist the agricultural community by supplying steady, environmentally friendly, utility-based energy at reasonable pricing. 

It’s a low-cost technology that doesn’t have any substantial recurrent costs. The machines are high-value additions that can help interested farmers boost their profit margins. Those who have already employed this technology to prepare coriander, mint, cashew, tomato, onion, and other green vegetables, for example, have reaped substantial financial rewards.

The Narayangarh Agro Producer Company Ltd was created on February 25, 2013, as a joint effort by the farmers of Khodad village, Junnar block, Pune, to address such issues as electricity scarcity. The National Vegetable Initiative for Urban Clusters (VIUC) plan has formed this farmer producer organization (FPO). The majority of small and marginal farmers earn roughly Rs. 75 per day per hectare on average. Farmers can expect higher pricing for their products and, as a result, higher profits with the help of these cost-effective solar-based processing machines. Ravikant Balshiram Fulwade, chairman of the Narayangarh Agro Producer Company, is the man behind this brilliant utilization of solar energy. Fulwade’s collaborative effort in adding value to crop products is an excellent and unique approach that uses solar technology in agriculture and horticulture-based processing devices.

Farmers can benefit from grouping together because it increases their income in a variety of ways, not to mention that it is absolutely environmentally beneficial. Until now, most communities lacked adequate electricity, increasing in energy demand for agricultural and related activities. The creation of a solar power facility has aided in the production of 10-20 horsepower using photovoltaic devices. In fact, the farmers of this FPO have already invested Rs. 50 lakh in crop manufacture and processing (with Canara Bank’s help). The processed goods are sent to local retailers.

79. Bhomaikrupa bhungroo juth 

Irrigation issues, including water scarcity, soil salinity, and waterlogging, affect the rural ideas of arid Gujarat. Bhungroo has arisen as a one-stop-shop for dealing with these issues efficiently and cost-effectively in the midst of all of this. This unique concept comprises rainwater collection and storage. 

Bhungroo can store up to 40 million litres of irrigation-suitable water in the subsurface aquifer reservoir by collecting rainwater for only around 10 days per year. This water reserve allows farmers to have two cropping cycles, monsoon and winter farming, over seven to eight months each year. The Bhungroo scheme, in which workers are employed to build drainage systems while five participating families do drilling, places a premium on women’s participation. Each group consists of five women, one of whom donates a portion of her property for the Bhungroo’s construction, while the others provide labor and a sense of teamwork. 

Hand-drilling a porous pipe (4” in diameter) onto the surface is the way. This is done from the catchment’s lowest point, when precipitation rushes and collects to a maximum depth of 110 feet, touching the subsoil aquifer. The captured water is then routed through the pipe to the saline aquifer. 

It relieves waterlogging on the ground surface by forming numerous low-density water lenses inside the subsurface aquifer while also decreasing the aquifer’s saltiness. Farmers’ principal source of irrigation-suitable water is subsoil low-density water lenses, although non-saline rainwater, when mixed with subsurface saline water, gradually reduces groundwater salinity.

80. Bhangar Vegetable Producer Company Ltd.

Bhangar Vegetable Producer Company Ltd was created in the South 24 Parganas area of West Bengal by a group of highly motivated farmers. The State Department of Horticulture and Food Processing, in collaboration with Access Development Services (ADS), rallied the farmers to join the Farmer Producer Organization (FPO). The Bhangar Vegetable Producer Company is the first VIUC (Vegetable Initiative for Urban Clusters)-registered organization, with 1750 marginal farmers as members. On average, these small-scale farmers have less than one hectare of land. The members of the FPO have demonstrated a noteworthy work ethic and dedication in making their organization one of the region’s greatest producers. 

The members have also demonstrated a high level of understanding of the goals and are equally motivated to achieve them. The members hold meetings on a regular basis to deliberate and discuss the goals, savings, resource pooling, production objectives, marketing objectives, and links, among other things. These farmers understand the importance of economies of scale and the strength of collective bargaining. 

During the formation of the FPO, the farmer members leased their fields to the (Farmer Interest Groups) FIGs, combining all of the FIG members’ accessible land into a single unit for vegetable production. As a result of the economies of scale, the FIG has been able to adopt high-tech agricultural methods. The Bhangar Vegetable Producer Company now has a total cultivable area of 18,800 square meters, with 94 poly shade net houses of 200 square meters each for protected vegetable growth. A subsidy was also given to the FPO.

81. Rani Sukadei Farmer Producer Company Ltd.

Surendra Agritech Pvt. Ltd. has been named as the sole aggregator by the Odisha Directorate of Horticulture’s Vegetable Initiative for Urban Cluster (VIUC). Surendra Agritech is in charge of all front-end activities such as aggregation, distribution, and retailing for the FPO-registered farmers (Farmer Producer Organisations).

The company is prepared to establish a modern and integrated front end model using state-of-the-art infrastructure and information technology for information flow as well as financial transactions, thanks to the government’s backing. Farmers in this FPO bracket deliver their product to Surendra Agritech’s collection-centre-cum-pack houses, located throughout the FPOs in the most convenient locales. 

These centers indicate production pr icing in a very precise manner, and in the local language as well, making it easier for farmers to determine whether or not to sell their stuff there. At the centers, arrangements have been established for accurate weight measures that are linked to an IT system. The system then sends associated data to the central server, such as the farmer’s name and output. Following that, the same data is sent to the aggregator’s distribution center.

Axis Bank has partnered with the company to make financial transactions as simple as possible. The bank generates a credit note as soon as a material is displayed at the distribution center, and the money is deposited into the farmer’s account the same day. The Directorate of Horticulture (Odisha), Surendra Agritech, and Axis Bank collaborated to create this payment gateway concept. Odisha’s potential has been recognized through this payment gateway approach, and other states should follow Odisha’s lead and apply it as well. There is no room for cheating because the procedure is transparent. 

The absence of middlemen and their potential for fraudulent practices is an added benefit; thus, urban regions like Bhubaneshwar may obtain top quality supplies at a fair price. The Rani Sukadei Farmer Producer Company Ltd, Banki, Cuttack, have implemented the same pattern in their FPO due to the transparency of this practice.

Image Credit: Economic Times

82. Vasundhara Krishi Vikas Group

On November 11, 2011, the Indian Society Agribusiness Professionals founded the Vasundhara Krishi Vikas Group with 20 inventive and energetic farmers from the Avasari Village of the Ambegaon Taluka near Pune (ISAP). This FIG recognized the advantages of group farming and accepted it; they now raise crops such as coccinia and ridge gourd jointly. These FIG farmers have also developed profitable saving habits, such as storing their savings and proceeds from commercial activities in their own bank accounts. They have been saving roughly Rs 500 every month as a result of this. They’ve also been depositing Rs 10,000 into their bank account every month. They have saved more than Rs 3 lakh in their account to date, which they have used to buy farming equipment and for other group welfare activities. They have created direct market links and have been exporting their goods to Mumbai with regular support. 

They were able to eliminate middlemen and dealers in the local market and the hassle that comes with them, as a result of which they were able to secure a fair price for their goods. The group is now focusing on producing organic compost and has produced approximately 150 mt of organic compost. They eat it themselves and sell the excess to other farmers at a modest price of Rs 6 per kilogram. The organization has also established its own agri-input shop, which solves fertilizer and seed scarcity, saving them up to 15% on seed purchases. Other members of the organization who cannot purchase equipment on their own are making use of the organization’s purchasing power and means to buy farming.

83. Ujjawal Krishi Vikas Group

Farmers in the Wafgaon hamlet in the Khed Taluka near Pune organized a Farmer Interest Group (FIG) called The Ujjawal Krishi Vikas Group in December 2011. This group was primarily founded by the FIG’s group leader, with ongoing help and supervision from a Resource Institution. 

The FIG has a collective bank account into which it puts a monthly sum of Rs 100 each member, resulting in a total deposit of Rs 2,000 every month. Currently, they have more than Rs 20,000 in their account, which is utilised for collective purposes. The FIG is the proud owner of an agri-input shop where inputs can be purchased on time and at a fair cost. They have now partnered with a dealer, Paras Irrigation Systems Pvt. Ltd, for installing drips, sprinklers, and PVC pipes, thanks to continuing support and direction from a Resource Institution. 

The group is grateful for the government’s assistance and has taken advantage of other government programs, saving more than Rs 47,000 by purchasing fertilizers as a group. Now we’ll hear the account of Mr. Mahendra Kandaji Gawade, a farmer from the Junnar Taluka in Pune, who belongs to the Farmer’s Interest Group Om Sai Vegetable Growers.

84. Narayangarh Agro Producer Company Limited and others

Farmers in Wafgaon, a village in Pune’s Khed Taluka, created a Farmer Interest Group (FIG) called The Ujjawal Krishi Vikas Group in December 2011. The FIG’s group leader basically developed this group with the help of a Resource Institution’s unwavering support and advice. 

The FIG has a collective bank account into which each member deposits Rs 100 per month, for a total of Rs 2,000 per month. Currently, they have more than Rs 20,000 in their account, which is utilised for collective purposes. The FIG is the proud owner of an agri-input shop where inputs can be purchased on time and at a reasonable price. They have partnered with a dealer, Paras Irrigation Systems Pvt. Ltd, for the installation of drips, sprinklers, and PVC pipes, thanks to continuing support and direction from a Resource Institution. 

The group is grateful for the government’s assistance and has taken advantage of other government programs, saving more than Rs 47,000 by purchasing fertilizers as a group. Now we’ll hear the account of Mr. Mahendra Kandaji Gawade, a farmer from the Junnar Taluka in Pune, who belongs to the Farmer’s Interest Group Om Sai Vegetable Growers.

Mahendra is one of the village’s progressive farmers. As the primary business, he has been involved in the manufacture of vegetable seedlings at a nursery for in-demand crops. He didn’t have enough money to start a polyhouse on his own when he learned about the VIUC scheme’s numerous components and how they may help him. He used the Rs 3 lakh subsidy he received after entering the plan to build a polyhouse that cost him Rs 9 lakh. He also received instruction from the Resource Institution and participated in exposure tours to learn cultivation procedures in a safe environment. Because of the ideas and his hard work, Mahendra is now making a nice profit while causing the least amount of damage to the crops. 

Others have been inspired by his achievement, like his neighbor Ranjit Gawade, who developed a similar vegetable production set-up after becoming a beneficiary of the plan. The fact that both of these farmers’ socioeconomic conditions have improved as a result of the VIUC program is proof that the plan is working in their favor.

85. Akola Soy and Cotton Producer Company Ltd.

Western Vidhbha is a key tur farming region in Maharastra. On the other hand, Tur is generally grown in modest numbers as an intercrop between soy and cotton by local farmers. Two organizations worked to set up a dal mill at the village level to process raw dal, which is part of the staple food of individuals living in the Vidarbha region, as it is in most other parts of the country, to maximize income for farmers interest group (FIG) members in this region. 

Gajanan Maharaj Fasal Utpadak Gat and Shriram Fasal Utpadak Gat, both FIGs with 20 members, established a mini-dal mill in Pohi, Maharashtra. The mill’s operational and management aspects were shared by these FIGs. Documentation, meetings, uniformity, and the adoption of new activities were used to assess the FIGs. 

The organisations were enthusiastic about the dal mill’s operations and applied for the Sir Ratan Tata Trust funding. The grant was accepted based on the FIG’s willingness to contribute to the mill’s shed building costs. The Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT) provided the production firm with a loan of Rs. 5 lakh from its fund. The group was expected to contribute Rs. 2.5 lakh to the overall outlay, which comprised machinery costs and a revolving fund of Rs. 2.5 lakh each. This project comprised a total of 21 household members, with the goal of supporting 336 farmers.

Image Credit: taken from Mahabeej

86. Vrindavan Pushpa Utpadak Sangh

Because of the pioneering efforts of the Maharashtra Institute of Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (MITTRA), a development organization promoted by the Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation, floriculture, or ‘FULSHETI,’ has emerged as an alternative source of livelihood for small and marginal farmers (BAIF). Due to diminishing natural resources and scattered landholdings, the income of these farmers, who were totally reliant on agriculture, was extremely low. In the largely tribal pockets of Jawhar, Vikramgad, Dahanu, Talasari, and Palghar talukas in Maharashtra’s Thane district, ‘fulsheti’ — a floriculture model ideal for small and marginal farmers — has been successfully attempted to supplement their income.

Floriculture was chosen because of the numerous benefits associated with it, including the need for little (or no) seed capital because it was a small-scale cultivation, the ability to generate faster income than tree-based farming, and the ease of management, not to mention the constant income opportunity from selling the flowers. Floriculture was chosen because of the numerous benefits associated with it, including the need for little (or no) seed capital because it was a small-scale cultivation, the ability to generate faster income than tree-based farming, and the ease of management, not to mention the constant income opportunity from selling the flowers.

87. Shri. Laxmi Rythu Vyaparkendram

The agricultural market in India is beset by a slew of problems, including a lack of market orientation, inadequate infrastructure, reliance on the monsoon, and a lack of understanding of marketing opportunities. The BAIF Institute for Rural Development (BIRD) in Andhra Pradesh and ITC-MSK in Kolkata established agribusiness centres (ABCs) in the Prakasham and Guntur districts of Andhra Pradesh to solve these concerns. The chosen sites are in drought-prone parts of Guntur’s Vinukonda, Bollapalli, and Epuru mandals, as well as Prakasham’s Kurichedu, Darsi, and Donakonda mandals. The majority of the farmers here are tiny or marginal, focusing on chilli, tobacco, cotton red gram, and castor as their main crops. Farmers must pay a one-time membership fee of Rs. 600 while joining the ABC. Aside from that, each member must pay a Rs. 100 monthly charge. The ABC corpus is made up of these donations, which are then used to fund activities like communal purchase of inputs, collective marketing, custom hiring centers, savings and internal loans, and other small-scale activities like neem seed kernel gathering.

The ABCs’ underlying premise includes increased community participation in the conceptualization of concepts as well as the implementation of farm-based activities with the goal of making each farmer-run center self-sufficient. Furthermore, the ABCs arrange farmers into groups so that they can work together.

They can benefit from economies of scale while also spreading risk throughout the entire organization. Farmers’ contributions account for Rs. 8.65 lakh, monthly savings account for Rs. 4.54 lakh, and revolving funds granted through the project account for Rs. 39.58 lakh, bringing the total corpus of the 25 ABCs to Rs. 52.77 lakh. This fund has aided the ABCs in becoming self-sustaining and in developing market linkages for farmers.

88. Junnar Taluka Farmer Producer Company Ltd.

Relay cropping is a new approach that intends to increase farmers’ revenue by two to three times by lowering cultivation and land preparation costs, which is accomplished by lowering labor expenses and boosting labor efficiency. It also aims to alleviate the problems that can arise as a result of the failure of a single crop that has the potential to bring good market prices. 

The method allows farmers to successfully overcome fluctuating market prices by growing two to three crops in four to six months, allowing them to enjoy maximum rewards. Different types of crops are selected and planted in a row, or relay, according to the manner used by this technology. On the same field, the second crop is planted about 20-30 days after the first crop is harvested, and the third crop is planted in the same manner. Consider three crops: tomato, cucumber, and cowpea. 

Under this strategy, the third crop (cowpea) will be planted 20-30 days before the cucumber is harvested, and the process will be repeated for the first crop. If caution is maintained while creating arrangements to control soil-borne diseases, this procedure can be made leaps and bounds more efficient. Applying Trichoderma races mixed with Farm Yard Manure(FYM) when constructing the raised bed is one such precaution. This application should go through the dripping procedure, which should be done every 15 days. 

Farmers have benefited greatly from this innovation because it has successfully reduced cultivation costs as well as the amount of time and work required by these farmers. The concept may be easily replicated in any place as long as the farmers are confident in the crop combinations on their property. In fact, several farmers in other parts of the country have already begun to adopt this technology on their fields.

Image Credit: Smart Indian Agriculture

89. Kirtinagar Valley Association

Spice cultivation on a commercial scale is a relatively new development in Uttarakhand’s Rudraprayag, Chamoli, Tehri, Uttarkashi, and Pauri Garhwal districts. This began to answer the SHGs’ demand for less labor-intensive revenue production and high-value crops with low volume. In these mountainous locations, over 4,500 growers formed 500 producer groups (PGs) to harvest a range of organic spices. The availability of high-quality seeds, on the other hand, was a big issue for the PGs. The seeds, which were originally purchased from outside sources, were not only expensive, but also insufficient, and did not produce the expected results. 

To overcome this barrier, the ladies of this region devised a novel approach. They made the decision to grow their own seeds by establishing excellent seed production zones. A few members of the group were unanimously elected, and others pledged to buy the seeds from them at cost. 230 mountain villages have been roped into the seed production process in accordance with organic farming practices, which include biological inputs in seed zones/farms. So far, 35 women have been involved in the production of a variety of spice seeds; around 7 ha of collective land has been put under seed cultivation; and 35 women have been involved in the production of a variety of spice seeds.

90. Madmaheshwar Valley Association

The dairy industry, which is similar to agriculture in the mountains, is underdeveloped, and the women who work in it are unable to break free from the cycle of poverty. Consider the village of Ukkimath in Rudraprayag, where the women farmers rely on traditional agricultural methods and animal keeping to make a living. Both require a lot of work, but the payoff does not match the amount of effort put in. 

As previously stated, the dairy industry, like agriculture, remains a subsistence industry for the majority of households, with milk production also used for self-consumption. Dairy producer groups in Ukhimath block (in Rudraprayag) have chosen the business development services (BDS) method to cooperatively convert the dairy sector into a sustainable enterprise to deal with the dire scenario. 

Several of the groups’ innovations, such as herd upgradation, fodder development (grass and tree fodder), stall-feeding methods, and animal health and nutrition services, have improved production and created new jobs for the unemployed youngsters in these remote mountain villages. Village women established clubs and began trading milk through a self-selected collector’s network as a result of this activity. 

As milk production increased, these producers expanded their pool of milk collectors to include people who worked in various communities and sold fresh milk in adjacent towns. As a result of the milk marketing, a number of business service providers (BSPs) and composting technology service providers have emerged. In fact, the BSPs have made their services readily available to dairy farmers right on their doorstep. Local youngsters have also adopted improved dairy methods, as have the women farmers.

91. Birdha Farmer Producer Company Ltd.

In Jhansi and Jalaun, two of Bundelkhand’s poorest districts, a method to boost black gram (urad) productivity was adopted. Both districts are rural, rain-fed, underdeveloped, and underinvested in comparison to other areas. They’re also marked by a lack of market and input links, a lack of access to better technologies, poor infrastructure, and low productivity. 

The soil is rocky as well, with little groundwater resources. Agriculture’s irrigation needs are primarily fulfilled by monsoon rains, with the region experiencing harsh temperatures that range from 45-47 degrees in the summer to 0-1 degrees in the winter. Despite these drawbacks, both of these areas’ land-use patterns were determined to be suitable to pulse production. Farmers in both districts, on the other hand, were restricted.

Farmers in both districts, however, were limited by a lack of up-to-date technical assistance, which was (and continues to be) critical for high pulse productivity. International Traceability Systems Ltd (ITSL) recognized their problem and gave a suitable solution in the form of the latest “pulse production technology.” Along with scientific usage of tractors, calibration of seed-cum-ferti drill for planting seeds at suitable depth, and adequate mixing of a balanced fertilizer, this was targeted at increasing the productivity and profitability of the rain-fed pulse production system.

Image Credit: ICRISAT

92. Nizmula and Mandal Valley Association

Traditional beekeeping has been practiced by farmers in mountainous areas for a long time, but it has always been a subsistence activity and part of the barter economy. The honey harvested was mostly used for domestic use, therapeutic purposes, or religious rituals, and it was always non-commercial and low-key. Appropriate Technology India (ATI), an Uttarakhand-based NGO, proved the potential for building a honey value chain in the Himalayas and began engaging primary producers interested in participating. 

The producers saw the model’s numerous economic benefits and banded together in order to take advantage of the honey industry’s economies of scale. They were shown various revolutionary solutions, including improved wall hives, better swarm capture, safe extraction procedures, seasonal bee management, and induced bee breeding technology, all of which were aimed at reducing risks in the organic honey value chain. They were able to build an organic farming system and secure what is possibly the first organic certification for honey in Uttarakhand thanks to their knowledge and information on best practices in the organic industry. 

They’ve also become shareholders in DevBhumi Natural Products Producers Co. Ltd, which has assisted them with value-chain development. DNPPCL is in charge of the final processing and marketing, for which the firm has built a nationwide network of shops. A significant production base of over 4,400 bee colonies has arisen from this group-based strategy, allowing the producers to enhance their activity from a barter system-based production to a commercial scale. This has resulted in an annual honey yield of 17.6 tonnes. 

93. Bijawar Farmer Producer Company Limited

It is a well-known truth that the availability of high-quality seeds is not only important, but also a basic and necessary aspect that influences the rise in crop production, and that if efforts are not made to ensure seed quality, total productivity may suffer. As a result, many smallholders have taken the initiative to manufacture certified soy seeds through a buyback arrangement with apex government organizations that deal with seed players such as the National Seeds Corporation Ltd, and others, under the banner of farmer producer companies (FPCs). More than 25 FPCs in Madhya Pradesh and Bihar produce up-to-date seeds as one of their key commercial activities. 

These enterprises have legally agreed to produce 2870 million tonnes (mt) of certified soy seeds with national seed firms such as National Seeds Corporation Ltd and State Farms Corporation of India Ltd. Seeds are a specialty commodity that sells for a higher price than regular grain. This results in an additional income of between Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 5,000 per acre. Farmers also obtain capacity-building inputs, such as good, through the facilitating agency.           

From an economic, social, and professional standpoint, this project has proven immensely beneficial to farmers. Economic benefits include an increase in income ranging from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 5,000 per acre due to the product category (seed) and a reduction in cultivation costs thanks to GAP. Producers’ memberships in the FPC, where they can study and expand their abilities, are tied to social benefits. 

Professional gains arise as a result of capacity-building interventions such as training, exposure, and other similar activities. Approximately 1,000 mt of soy seeds have been successfully procured to date, and the process is currently ongoing. The model can also be used in other areas. It may be used on any crop, and any community can adopt it.

94. Warana Agriculture Commodities Consumer Super Market Cooperative

Warana, which was once a desolate wasteland, has become a paradigm for all-round growth. This was made possible by the pioneering efforts of the late Sahakarmaharshi Shri and Tatyasaheb Kore, a brilliant visionary dedicated to the upliftment of the destitute. 

The Shree Warana Co-operative Sugar Factory was established in 1956 and has since proven to be a force to be reckoned with in the cooperative sugar industry. The Warana sugar factory serves as a hub for a number of industrial and cooperative units, including the Warana dairy, cooperative bank, cooperative bazaar, and educational institutions such as schools and colleges.

Cultural and social units, such as the Warana children’s orchestra and the Shree Warana Bhagini Mandal, Warana Mahila Credit Society, and Lijjat Papad Center, are all part of this. The first consumer cooperative store, Warana Bazar, was created in 1976 and opened on April 2, 1978. Since then, it has grown to become one of India’s most successful stores, and many people regard it as a model institution. Apparel, food, grocery, agri inputs, automobiles, consumer durables, and hardware are all sold in these stores. The Warana Bazar employs 555 people and has a membership of 20,111 people, with an annual revenue of Rs. 113 crore. One of its greatest accomplishments, however, is that 80 percent of its members are women. In addition, unlike other cooperative consumer stores in the country, Warana Bazar has been able to reduce government involvement in the share capital to a bare minimum, with a large amount of the working capital required provided by member deposits.

Warana Bazar has proven to be a profitable business enterprise and an excellent tool for consumer protection and change. It demonstrates how cooperatively owned department shops may effectively and successfully tap into the country’s developing rural markets. With the economy opening and people’s tastes and habits constantly changing in rural areas, consumer cooperative stores have a lot of room to tap into the rural sector’s previously underserved market. Consumer cooperatives can make a big difference in people’s lives in rural areas if they have wise leadership and effective administration.

95. Dharani Farming and Marketing Mutually Aided Cooperative Society Limited

Under the trademark Timbaktu Organic, the Dharani Farming and Marketing Mutually Aided Cooperative Society Ltd is a producer-owned business company promoted by the Timbaktu Collective. It was established in April 2008 under the Government of Andhra Pradesh’s Mutually Aided Cooperative Society Act of 1995. 

It offers processing and packaging of raw goods obtained from farmer members, as well as marketing services to target feasible customer segments. It also offers members agricultural training programs and assesses their compliance with organic certification standards. Dharani’s main goal is to provide higher returns by procuring, processing, and marketing the products of its farmer members at a premium price.

Since 1995, the Timbaktu Collective has been experimenting with and exploring dry-land farming productivity concerns. The organization then moved on to promoting organic farming among local people through a variety of projects funded by organizations such as Asha for Education, Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED), and the European Union. Around 1,190 families had transitioned to organic food farming on 3,570 acres in a sustainable manner by the end of March 2011. In 2005-06, “Adisakthi Dharani” was established as a collective company to market the organic produce of the project’s smallholder farmers. 

In the short term, the goal was to increase the income and food security of dry-land smallholder farmers in the Anantapur district, and in the long run, to promote livelihood security through sustainable agriculture. The venture was started by one of the women’s thrift cooperatives (Adisakthi MATCS), which was supported by the Collective, who provided the initial funding.

96. Chameli Swayam Sahayata Samuha

The village of Bhatagaon in Chhatisgarh is one of the clearest instances of the benefits that may be obtained via group efforts. This case demonstrates the effectiveness of implementing a method that improved the farmers’ livelihood in a region where they were living in terrible economic conditions and were compelled to travel to surrounding places for labor. The peasants had to go through a lot of struggles to earn their daily bread due to the lack of any government or non-government support. 

As a result, during 1997-98, the Rajiv Gandhi Hariyali Mission planted mango trees across 40 acres of wasteland in this area. The land was tended to by landless women farmers who chose to plant vegetables as a source of income. This may be considered the start of the transformation, or it might be a foreshadowing of what was to come. Then, in 2001, 19 hardworking women formed Chameli Swayam Sahayata Samuha, a self-help group (SHG) to achieve self-sufficiency and raise funds for high-quality seeds. They adhered to the SHG’s rules and regulations, which include monthly savings, monthly meetings, and record keeping, among other things. 

It was utilized to acquire capital for the growing of fruits and vegetables. The women also used Rs. 17,000 of their savings to dig a borewell, which would assist irrigate and tend to 19 acres of land.

Farmers are now able to effectively cultivate 19 acres of wasteland using their own crops thanks to this project (brinjal, tomato and cauliflower). They sell the goods in bulk, which saves money on transportation. After adopting the group activity procedure, each member of this FIG may now efficiently earn Rs. 10,000-15,000 per month, compared to their previous earnings of Rs. 4,000-5,000 per month from one acre of land per woman farmer. The department of horticulture provided them with 76,000 seedlings of hybrid tomato and brinjal in one season, as well as 60 kg of bio-pesticide for cultivation. 

The project equips member farmers with the best vegetable cultivation procedures, which, together with group efforts, have made a significant difference in their life. These women have been successfully empowered as a result of their efforts to form a group and take advantage of chances to increase land productivity. This is one of the clearest examples of the benefits that can accrue from group efforts, and which enhances their livelihood by bringing in more production while also strengthening the bargaining power of the members.

97. Koutla- B Mutually Aided Cooperative Society

Cotton is the primary source of income for a vast number of farmers in Andhra Pradesh’s Adilabad district. The suicides of a high number of cotton farmers in the district made headlines in 2001. These overworked farmers were overloaded as a result of significant pest infestations and pesticide abuse, which had increased their costs. It became increasingly impossible for them to match the frequently shifting market pricing due to the acquisition of inputs on credit from dealers and loans from moneylenders at exorbitantly high interest rates. Farmers felt despondent when their crops were insufficient to cover their debts, and they resorted to suicide as a last choice. In 2002, the Indian Grameen Services (IGS) began an intervention after surveying the area and seeing the need to assist farmers. 

They held community meetings and discussions with farmers about the problems they were having, and they recommended integrated pest management approaches as cost-effective remedies. In 2003, the IGS team persuaded the farmers to form a village-level cotton producers organization in order to have access to low-cost bio-inputs while implementing pest management measures. 

The Koutla-B Mutually Aided Cooperative Society was the name given to the organization (Koutla-B MACS). The goal was to enable farmers to band together to secure bulk discounts on agricultural inputs and, as a result, a higher price for their output when it was sold. Koutla-B MACS was a trailblazer in the promotion of producer cooperatives. Cotton farmers have better control over their input, output, and financial needs as a result of it. Farmers in neighboring areas have also adopted the idea, inspired by its success.

Image Credit: Bakhabar Kissan website

98. Rudi Multi Trading Company Limited

Rudi is a rural distribution network that processes and sells farm food after purchasing it at market price from marginal farmers (who make up the majority of India’s producers). It is a brilliant example of how a model administered by the beneficiaries may handle food security challenges at both the production and consumption levels. Hundreds of disadvantaged women work in the supply chain, handling management and being involved at every stage. RUDI is also a brand that stands for quality and affordability. 

This arrangement ensures a market for these small-scale farmers, improves their financial situation, and increases their purchasing power. Farmers are also encouraged to invest in their farms and boost output as a result of this. RUDI also ensures a high quality standard by providing grains and spices in small packets at competitive prices, while also meeting the food needs of its rural members. 

This program has benefited the community greatly, providing food security to rural customers by making everyday foodstuffs and goods available, offering fair and direct market access to small and marginal farmers, and building sustainable livelihoods. RUDI has succeeded in establishing a sustainable ecosystem at the village and block levels, a model that can be easily copied and expanded. 

Now, the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) is forming to expand these projects’ reach to Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Uttarakhand, while also expanding its presence in Gujarat’s nine districts.

99. Babpur Krishak Sangh

For more than 20 years, Charuchandra Bag has been farming vegetables in Babpur village, Barasat, West Bengal. In West Bengal’s North 24 Parganas district, the Barasat and Amdanga blocks are part of the prime vegetable cultivation zones. However, the price the farmers receive for their goods is far lower than in nearby markets such as Kolkata’s Koley Market. “At Koley Market, we frequently inquire about the wholesale and retail prices of various veggies. 

It’s significantly higher than what we get,” he says. Although there are three markets within an 8-kilometer radius of Babpur, it is not economically possible for individual farmers to get their product to these markets on bicycles or in individual vans. “How can a single farmer with a meager harvest consider transporting his products to faraway markets? My profit margin will be wiped out by transportation costs alone,” Bag complains. They have little choice except to sell their goods to local aggregators and wholesalers, which is their only option. 

The Vegetable Initiative for Urban Clusters (VIUC) initiative has helped marginal farmers like Bag, Soumitra Maity, Sankar Jana, Montu Jana, and many others in Babpur, a village just 40 kilometers from Kolkata, alter their life. Farmers are encouraged to create farmers interest groups (FIGs), which allow them to market their goods jointly using their own motorized vending cart. 

The Indian Grameen Services (IGS) and the District Horticulture Office (DHO) in this hamlet collaborated to organize FIGs under VIUC and persuade the farmers to attempt selling some of their output jointly. The Babpur Krishak Sangha, a VIUC-affiliated FIG, agreed to try direct selling with some of its product at faraway wholesale and retail markets for a few days, then assess the situation daily and plan their next steps.

100. Harihar Samruddhi Utpadak Samuh

Sher Singh is an inhabitant of Kajlas village in the Bhopal district’s Fanda block. His wife, three children, brother, and sister-in-law make up his family. With the Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) Vegetable Initiative, the Indian Grameen Services (IGS) visited his area and explained the concept of the project “SFAC – Promotion of FPO (Farmer Producer Organization) under VIUC (Vegetable Initiative for Urban Clusters).” Singh was uninterested because he hadn’t grown veggies in over a decade, but he enjoyed the FPO aspect. 

The team decided to encourage him to produce vegetables in order to convince him to join a Farmers Interest Group (FIG). Singh joined discussions on vegetable cultivation and production methods after being summoned to all FIG sessions. The farmers who had shown remarkable productivity were using this platform to share the methods and processes in order to enlighten the rest of the farmers, which impressed him the most. It was reassuring for him to have the IGS staff’s enthusiastic support in sharing processes. 

Another conference that influenced Singh’s thinking was the FIG demand collation of fertilizers and vegetable seeds. He noticed that the State Seed Certification Agency (SSCA) in Bhopal had collected and confirmed a demand for 300 bags of Diammonium Phosphate and various crop seeds. If FIG members desired to cultivate this, he was told that seeds could be obtained in sufficient quantities from the Rajgarh district. Many FIG members, including Singh, expressed a need for an adequate quantity of seeds from Rajgarh.


This is an attempt to give such evidence by compiling a short list of successful examples of farmer collective action through structured institutions. While the majority of the accomplishments are little, they demonstrate FPOs’ enormous potential to incorporate producers into the value chain. These success stories may serve as a source of inspiration and signposts for the direction in which the farming community is headed as the number of FPOs across the country rapidly grows.

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What is FPO Agriculture?

FPOs are farmer-led collectives that enhance agricultural productivity, market access, and profitability through shared resources and collaboration.

What are the examples of FPO in India?

Examples include Sahyadri Farmers Producer Co., Krushak Mitra, and Ujjwal Farmers, driving sustainable growth in Indian agriculture.

What is the FPO promotion scheme?

This scheme aids FPOs with funding, training, and capacity-building to empower farmers and improve rural livelihoods.

How to form an FPO?

Farmers can form an FPO by registering as a producer company with a minimum of 10 members, focused on collective agricultural goals.

Which is the first FPO in India?

The first FPO in India is the Mahagrapes, established in Maharashtra, revolutionizing grape export and farmer welfare.


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